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<P>자유게시판에 이용하여도 되는지?&nbsp; 아니면 미안합니다</P> <P>중요한 일이라 영어로 번역 부탁드립니다</P> <P>&nbsp;</P> <P>내용</P> <P>&nbsp;</P> <P>각서</P> <P>본인은 AMC 에 근무하나 정규직이 아니고</P> <P>언제든지 해고할땐 조건과 이유없이 자리에서 물러나겠습니다</P> <P>&nbsp;</P> <P>*내용이 이해되리라 믿고요</P> <P>더 좋은 내용이 있으시면 알려주시면 감사하겠습니다</P> <P>&nbsp;</P> <P>생활이 어렵고 숙박도 힘들어하는 분을 야간경비 명목으로 건물안에서 밤에 쉬도록 하였더니</P> <P>그만두라고 하니 SSS 에 신고하느니 하여,,,,다른 사람두기전 이런 각서를 받으려고요</P> <P>&nbsp;</P> <P>번역부탁드립니다 감사합니다</P>

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quick claim 검색해보시면 원하시는 자료가 있을거 같습니다.

필리핀 112에서 퍼왔습니다. ZEROSAM CORPORATION (회사이름) Factory : 4th Level Marketi Marketi Mall Bonifacio Global City, Taguig (회사주소) Phone: +63 2 757-0532 (회사전화번호) Office : 5864 Alfonso St., Poblacion Makati City Metro Manila(사무실주소) Phone: +63 2 123-4567 EMPLOYMENT CONRACT FOR CASUAL EMPLOYEE (임시계약직 근로계약서) DECEMBER 27, 2006(고용날짜) (Date) MR. ADRIAN CAMACLANG(직원 전체이름) Dear Mr./Ms. CAMACLANG(직원이름 ) The ZEROSAM CORPORATION(회사이름) employs you as a casual employee/worker under the following conditions: You shall hold the position of OPERATOR ( ~ Process) (직원이 하는 일의직책 또는 공정이름) Your employment as a casual employee/worker takes effect on December 27, 2006(고용일자) and shall be for the period of five (5) weeks / months subject for extension at the discretion of the employer. You shall receive a salary of =P= _272_/ day(하루일당책정) / month payable on the schedule time of payroll designated by the management. You shall be entitled to other benefits provided by law which you may be covered. Your employment as a casual employee / worker may be terminated at any time for any cause whatsoever, including but not limited inability to learn and undertake the duties of the position you are being employed for recession in business, inefficiency, personnel reduction and violation of company rules, regulations and policies. In either event you shall be given notice of termination anytime during your working day. The company undertakes to pay your compensation for the days actually worked and the company shall not be liable for the period of contract and not run for any separation pay. Sincerely yours, Mr./Ms Gloria Lee(고용인의 이름) General Manager (고용인의 직책) ACKNOWLEDGEMENT(승인서) I hereby agree with all terms and conditions with this contract. I understand that I am only a casual employee/worker and does not bind ZEROSAM CORPORATION(회사이름) to hire me on a permanent or regular basis. CONFIRME : _________________(직원싸인) cc : Employee ( ) 201 File (  )