생활에서 아주 자주 쓰이는 동일 표현

[ <a href="http://ontue.com/?lesson_ko" target="_blank">온튜 http://www.ontue.com</a> - <a href="http://ontue.com/?lesson_ko" target="_blank">영어 공부 정보 제공 사이트</a> <a href="http://ontue.com/?lesson_ko" target="_blank">http://ontue.com/?lesson_ko</a> ] <p> <p><strong>1. 뭐라고 그랬지요? (말을 잘못 알아 들었을 때)</strong> <p><strong>&nbsp; I beg your pardon?</strong> <p><b>&nbsp; Pardon me?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Excuse me?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; I'm sorry?&nbsp; </b> <p><b>&nbsp; What was that again?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Come again?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; What did you say?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Could you say that again?</b> <p><b></b> <p><b>2. 죄송합니다. 실례했습니다.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; I beg your pardon.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Pardon me.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Excuse me.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; I'm very sorry.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Please forgive me.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; I do apologize.</b> <p><b></b> <p><b>3. 그 말 한 번 잘했다. 동감이야.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; You can say that again.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; You're telling me.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; You said it.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; That makes two of us.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; I'll say.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; I couldn't agree with you more.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; I hear you loud and clear.&nbsp; </b> <p><b>&nbsp; You took the words right out of my mouth.</b> <p><b></b> <p><b>4. 놀리시는 겁니까? 농담이시겠지요.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Are you pulling my leg?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Are you putting me on?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Are you teasing me?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; You must be kidding.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; You are joking.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; No kidding.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; No fooling.</b> <p><b></b> <p><b>5. 진정이야.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; I mean it.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; I mean business.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; I mean what I say.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; I'm serious.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; I'm not kidding.</b> <p><b></b> <p><b>6. 얼마입니까?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; How much is it [are they]?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; What's the price?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; How much do I owe you?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; What do I owe you?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; How much does it cost?</b> <p><b></b> <p><b>7. 어떻게 다 감사를 드려야 할지 모르겠습니다.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; I can't thank you enough.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; I don't know how to thank you.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; How can I ever thank you?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; How can I ever repay you?</b> <p><b></b> <p><b>8. 천만에요.(감사에 대한 응답)</b> <p><b>&nbsp; You are welcome.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Don't mention it.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Not at all.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; My pleasure.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Any time.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Think nothing of it.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; No problem.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; You bet.</b> <p><b></b> <p><b>9. 괜찮습니다.(사과에 대한 응답)</b> <p><b>&nbsp; That's all right.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; That's okay.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Don\'t worry about it.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Never mind.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; It doesn\'t matter.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Think nothing of it.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Forget it. </b> <p><b></b> <p><b>10. 그것이라면 진절머리가 나요[이제 신물이 나요].</b> <p><b>&nbsp; I\'m sick and tired of it.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; I\'m fed up with it.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; I\'ve had it (up to here).</b> <p><b>&nbsp; I can\'t take it any more.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; I\'m disgusted with it.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; I\'ve had enough of it.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Enough is enough.</b> <p><b></b> <p><b>11. 잘 지내세요? 일은 잘 돼 가세요?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; How are you?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; How are you doing?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; How\'s it going?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; How are things going?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; How\'s everything with you?&nbsp; </b> <p><b>&nbsp; What\'s new?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; What\'s happening?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; What\'s up?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; What\'s cooking?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; What\'s going on?</b> <p><b></b> <p><b>12. 또 뵈요.(작별 인사)</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Good-bye.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; See you later[again].</b> <p><b>&nbsp; See you around.&nbsp; </b> <p><b>&nbsp; I\'ll be seeing you.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; I\'ll keep in touch.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; So long.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Catch you later.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; I\'ll check you later.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Until next time!&nbsp; </b> <p><b>&nbsp; Take it easy.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Take care.</b> <p><b></b> <p><b>13. 당신 부모님께 안부 전해 줘요.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Say hello to your parents.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Give my (best) regards to your parents.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Give my (best) wishes to your parents.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Give my love to your parents.</b> <p><b></b> <p><b>14. 역으로 가는 길을 좀 가르쳐 주시겠습니까?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Could you direct me to the station?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Could you show me the way to the station?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Could you tell me how to get to the station?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Which way is the station?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Could you tell me where the station is?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; How can I get to the station (from here)?</b> <p><b></b> <p><b>15. 지금 몇 시냐?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; What time is it now?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Could you tell me the time?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; What time do you have?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Do you have the time?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; What time does your watch say? </b> <p><b></b> <p><b> 16. 어디 가십니까?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Where are you going (to)?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Where are you headed (for)?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Where are you bound (for)?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; What is your destination?</b> <p><b></b> <p><b>17. Mr. Kim 좀 바꿔 주세요.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; May I speak to Mr. Kim?</b> <p><b> I\'d like to speak to Mr. Kim.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; May I talk to Mr. Kim?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Is Mr. Kim in?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Is Mr. Kim there?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Is Mr. Kim available?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Would you give[get] me Mr. Kim?</b> <p><b></b> <p><b>18. 지금 안 계신데요.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; He is not in right now.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; He is not here right now.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; He is not available now.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; He just stepped out.</b> <p><b></b> <p><b>19. 무슨 일로 전화하셨어요?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Regarding what, sir?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; What\'s this regarding?&nbsp; </b> <p><b>&nbsp; May I ask what this is regarding?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; What are you calling about?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; What is it concerning?</b> <p><b></b> <p><b>20. 접니다. 제가 ∼인데요.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; This is he[she].</b> <p><b>&nbsp; This is he[she] speaking.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; This is ∼ speaking.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Speaking.</b> <p><b></b> <p><b>21. 누구십니까?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; May I ask who\'s calling?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Who\'s calling, please?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Who is on the line, please?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Who\'s this, please?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Who\'s this speaking?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Who am I speaking to, please?</b> <p><b></b> <p><b>22. 잠깐만 기다리세요.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Just a moment [minute, second], please.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; One moment, please.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Hold the line, please.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Hold a moment, please.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Hold on, please.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Will you hold (on)?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Hang on, please.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Wait a minute[second], please.</b> <p><b></b> <p><b>23. 언제쯤 들어오실까요?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; When do you expect him back?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; What time do you expect him back?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; When will he be back?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; When will he return?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; How soon[When] is he expected back?</b> <p><b></b> <p><b>24. 전언을 남기시겠어요? /&nbsp; 전하실 말씀이 있으신가요?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; May I take a[your] message?&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </b> <p><b>&nbsp; Will you leave a message?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Would you like[care] to leave a message?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Is there any message?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Any message for him?</b> <p><b></b> <p><b>25. 지금 통화 중입니다. </b> <p><b>&nbsp; The line is busy.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; It\'s busy.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; There\'s still a busy signal.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Someone\'s still on the phone.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; I keep getting a busy signal.</b> <p><b></b> <p><b>26. 오시면 전화를 걸어 달라고 할까요?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Shall I have him return your call?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; May I have him call you back?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Would you like him to return your call?</b> <p><b></b> <p><b>27. 전화 받으세요.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; There is a call for you.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Telephone for you. </b> <p><b>&nbsp; You are wanted on the phone.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Someone wants you on the phone.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Jim, you have a call.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Jim, telephone.</b> <p><b></b> <p><b>28. 전화를 잘못 거셨습니다.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; You (must) have the wrong number.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Sorry. You\'ve got the wrong number.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; I\'m afraid you\'ve dialed the wrong number.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; You have the correct number, but there\'s no one here by that name.</b> <p><b></b> <p><b>29. 내가 받을게.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; I\'ll answer the phone.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; I\'ll get it.</b> <p><b></b> <p><b>30. 전화해 달라.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Give me a ring.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Give me a buzz.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Give me a call.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Call[Ring, Buzz] me.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Telephone[Phone] me.</b> <p><b></b> <p><b>31. 직업이 무엇인가요?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; What do you do (for a living)?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; What\' your occupation?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; What\'s your job?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; What\'s your profession?&nbsp; </b> <p><b>&nbsp; What\'s your line?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; What line of work are you in?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; What (kind of) business are you in?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; What kind[type] of job do you have?</b> <p><b></b> <p><b>32. 화장실이 어디인가요? </b> <p><b>&nbsp; May I use your bathroom?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Where\'s the bathroom?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Where\'s the rest room?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Where\'s the washroom?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Where can I wash my hands?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Could you tell me where the men\'s room is?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Where is the ladies\' room[powder room]?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Where\'s the john?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Nature calls me.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; I must go and relieve myself.</b> <p><b></b> <p><b>33. 주문 하시겠습니까?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; May I take your order?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Are you ready to order (now)?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Have you decided what to order?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; What would you like (to have)?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; What would you care for?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; What\'s your pleasure?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; What will it be?</b> <p><b></b> <p><b>34. 이미 주문했습니다. 이미 안내를 받고 있어요.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; I\'m being waited on.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; I\'m being served.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; I\'m being helped.</b> <p><b></b> <p><b> cf. 주문을 하셨나요? </b> <p><b>&nbsp; Are you being waited on?</b> <p><b></b> <p><b>35. 내가 지불하겠다. 제가 한턱 낼게요.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; This is on me.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; This is my treat.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; I\'m treating[buying].</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Let me treat you.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; I\'ll pick up the tab[bill, check].</b> <p><b>&nbsp; I\'ll take the check.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; I\'ll take care of the check.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; I\'ll get it.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; I\'ll pay.&nbsp; </b> <p><b>&nbsp; Let me settle the bill.</b> <p><b></b> <p><b>36. 각자 부담하자.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Let\'s go Dutch.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Let\'s go halves.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Let\'s go half-and-half.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Let\'s go fifty-fifty.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Let\'s split[share] the bill.</b> <p><b></b> <p><b>37. 이건 서비스로 드리는 거예요.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; This is on the house.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; We\'ll throw this in.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; This is complimentary.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; This is a free gift.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; This is free of charge.</b> <p><b></b> <p><b>38. 배가 고파요.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; I am very hungry.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; My stomach is growling.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; I\'m famished.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; I\'m starving.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; I could eat a horse.</b> <p><b></b> <p><b>39. 배가 불러요.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; I\'m full.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; I\'m stuffed.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; I\'ve had enough.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; I can\'t eat another bite.</b> <p><b></b> <p><b>40. 빨리 해! 서둘러라!</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Hurry up.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Make haste.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Make it snappy.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Do it quickly.&nbsp;&nbsp; </b> <p><b>&nbsp; Step on it.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Step on the gas.&nbsp; </b> <p><b>&nbsp; Get the lead out (of your pants)!</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Have you got lead in your pants?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Get a move on.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; On the double.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; We haven\'t got all day.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; We have no time to lose.</b> <p><b></b> <p><b>41. 서두를 것 없어. 천천히 해.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Take your time.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Take it easy.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; There is no rush.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Don\'t jump the gun.&nbsp; </b> <p><b>&nbsp; What\'s the (big) rush?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; What\'s the[your] hurry?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Where\'s the fire?</b> <p><b></b> <p><b>42. 진정하세요! 흥분을 가라앉혀!</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Calm down.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Stay calm.&nbsp; </b> <p><b>&nbsp; Take it easy.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Hold your horses.&nbsp; </b> <p><b>&nbsp; Cool it.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Simmer down.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Settle down.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Don\'t be so excited.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Easy does it.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Keep your shirt on.</b> <p><b></b> <p><b>43. 몇 시에 출근합니까?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; What time does he punch in?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; What time is he supposed to be in?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; What time will he be in?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; What time does he report for work?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; What time do you start your day?</b> <p><b></b> <p><b>44. 퇴근하셨는데요.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; He left for the day.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; He is gone for the day.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; He has punched out.</b> <p><b></b> <p><b>45. 오늘은 이만 끝냅시다.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Let\'s call it a day.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Let\'s call it quits.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Let\'s knock off for the day.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Let\'s wrap it up.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Let\'s finish up.</b> <p><b></b> <p><b>46. 내 말 알겠니?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Do you understand?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; (You) Got it?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Did you get it?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Get[Got] the picture?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Do you follow me?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Am I getting across?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Do you know what I\'m saying?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; See what I mean?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Are you with me?</b> <p><b></b> <p><b>47. 무슨 말씀인지 전혀 모르겠습니다.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; I don\'t understand.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; I can\'t make it out at all.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; I can\'t figure it out.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; I don\'t get it.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; I don\'t follow you.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; I don\'t get the point.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; I don\'t get the picture.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; You are talking over my head.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; You(\'ve) lost me.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; It\'s beyond me.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; It\'s all Greek to me.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; I can\'t make head or tail of it.</b> <p><b></b> <p><b>&nbsp; &lt;cf&gt; 모르겠다.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Beats me.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Search me. </b> <p><b>&nbsp; You(\'ve) got me.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Don\'t ask me.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; I can\'t tell.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; I have no idea.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; I don\'t have the slightest idea[clue].</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Not the slightest[foggiest, vaguest].</b> <p><b></b> <p><b>48. 나는 곤경에 빠져 있다.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; I\'m in trouble.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; I\'m in a fix.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; I\'m in a dilemma.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; I\'m in a jam. </b> <p><b>&nbsp; I\'m in hot water.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; I\'m in a pickle.&nbsp; </b> <p><b>&nbsp; I have my back to the wall.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; I\'m in a (double) bind.</b> <p><b></b> <p><b>49. 누워서 떡먹기죠.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; It\'s a piece of cake.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; It\'s a cinch.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; It\'s a snap.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; It\'s a breeze.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; It\'s very easy.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; It\'s as easy as ABC.</b> <p><b></b> <p><b>50. 인사하세요, 제 아내에요.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Let me introduce my wife to you.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Allow me to present my wife to you.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; I\'d like you to meet my wife.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; I want you to meet my wife.</b> <p><b></b> <p><b>51. 이만 가 봐야 될 것 같아요.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; I must be going[leaving] now.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; I have to leave now.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; I must be on my way.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; I must be off now.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; I must say good-bye now.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; It\'s time to say good-bye.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; I\'m afraid I must be going now.</b> <p><b></b> <p><b>52. 부탁 하나 드려도 될까요?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; I have a favor to ask (of) you.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; May I ask you a favor?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; May I ask a favor of you?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Would you do me a favor?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Would you do a favor for me?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Can I ask you to do something for me?</b> <p><b></b> <p><b>53. 분수에 맞는 생활을 해라.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; You must live within your means[income].</b> <p><b>&nbsp; You mustn\'t live beyond your means.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Cut your coat according to your cloth.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Don\'t bite off more than you can chew.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; You can\'t keep up with the Joneses.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Stay within your limits[budget].</b> <p><b></b> <p><b>54. 시계가 고장났어요.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; My watch doesn\'t work.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; My watch is out of order.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; My watch is[got] broken.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Something is wrong with my watch.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; My watch stopped.</b> <p><b></b> <p><b>55. 말조심해라. 언행을 조심해라.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Watch your language[tongue, mouth].</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Watch what you\'re saying.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Be careful what you say.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Mind your manners.&nbsp; </b> <p><b>&nbsp; Mind your p\'s and q\'s.</b> <p><b></b> <p><b>56. 나는 해고당했다.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; I got my walking papers.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; I got the ax.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; I got sacked.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; I got booted out.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; I got a pink slip.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; I got[was] fired.</b> <p><b></b> <p><b>57. 왜 그렇게 시무룩하냐?/ 왜 그렇게 우울한 표정을 짓고 있느냐?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Why so blue?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Why so down?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Why the[a] long face?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Why (do you have) such a long face?&nbsp;&nbsp; </b> <p><b>&nbsp; What are you sulking about?</b> <p><b></b> <p><b>58. 자업자득이지. </b> <p><b>&nbsp; (It) Serves her right.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; She asked for it.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; She had it coming (to her).</b> <p><b>&nbsp; She got her deserts.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; She deserves it.</b> <p><b></b> <p><b>59. 용기를 내라. 기운을 내라.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Snap out of it!</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Keep your chin up!</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Cheer up!</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Be of good cheer!</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Perk up!</b> <p><b></b> <p><b>60. 이렇게 만나다니 뜻밖이네요. /&nbsp; 여기서 당신을 만날 줄이야!</b> <p><b>&nbsp; What a nice surprise!</b> <p><b>&nbsp; What a pleasant surprise!</b> <p><b>&nbsp; This is a pleasant surprise.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Surprising running into you!</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Fancy meeting you here!</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Imagine meeting you here!&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </b> <p><b>&nbsp; I\'m surprised to see you here.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; I didn\'t expect to see you here.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Look who\'s here.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Well, well, if it isn\'t Jane!</b> <p><b></b> <p><b>61. 그녀는 임신 중이다.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; She is expecting.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; She is pregnant.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; She is going to have a baby.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; She is heavy with a baby.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; She has a visit from the stork.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; She is eating for two (now).</b> <p><b></b> <p><b>62. 출산 예정일이 언제냐?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; When is the blessed event?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; When is she expecting?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; When is her baby due?</b> <p><b></b> <p><b>63. 아직은 미정입니다. 아직 결정되지 않았습니다.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; It\'s up in the air.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; It\'s up for grabs.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; It is undecided.</b> <p><b></b> <p><b>64. 교통이 혼잡했다. 교통 체증에 발이 묶였어.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; I was caught in a traffic jam.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; There was a traffic jam.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Traffic was heavy.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; There was (traffic) congestion.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Traffic was bumper to bumper.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Traffic was at a standstill.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Traffic was backed up.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Traffic was at a crawl.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Traffic slowed down to a snail\'s pace.</b> <p><b></b> <p><b>cf. 교통이 아주 한산했어.</b> <p><b>&nbsp;&nbsp; Traffic was very light. </b> <p><b>&nbsp;&nbsp; The roads were clear.</b> <p><b></b> <p><b>65. 그것 참 안됐군요.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; That\'s too bad.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; (I\'m) Sorry to hear that.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; That\'s a shame[a pity].</b> <p><b>&nbsp; What a shame[a pity]!</b> <p><b></b> <p><b>66. 오래간만이야!</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Long time no see.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; It\'s been a long time.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; I haven\'t seen you for a long time.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; I haven\'t seen you for ages.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; It\'s been so long since we met.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; You\'re quite a stranger.</b> <p><b></b> <p><b>67. 난 너무 바빠.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; I\'m up to my ears in work.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; My hands are full.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; My hands are (all) tied up.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; I\'m tied up right now.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; I\'m behind in my work.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; I\'m snowed under with work.&nbsp; </b> <p><b>&nbsp; I\'ve got a lot of work to do.</b> <p><b></b> <p><b>68. 행운을 빈다.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Good luck (to you).</b> <p><b>&nbsp; I wish you good luck.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; I wish you the best of luck.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; I\'ll keep[have] my fingers crossed (for you). </b> <p><b>&nbsp; Break a leg!</b> <p><b></b> <p><b>69. 하마터면 큰일날 뻔했군요. 아슬아슬했다.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; That was close.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; That was a close call.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; That was a near miss.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; That was a narrow escape.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; That was a close shave.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; That was a near go.</b> <p><b></b> <p><b>70. 당신이 참견할 일이 아니다.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; This is none of your business.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; This is no business[concern] of yours.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Mind your own business.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; None of your funeral.</b> <p><b> You have nothing to do with this.</b> <p><b> You\'d better keep your nose nice and clean.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Keep your nose out of this.</b> <p><b> Stay out of this.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Butt out!</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Stop butting in!</b> <p><b></b> <p><b>71. 엎어지면 코 닿을 곳이야.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; It\'s just walking distance.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; It\'s right around the corner.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; It\'s just spitting distance.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; It\'s just a few blocks away.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; It\'s just a stone\'s throw away.&nbsp; </b> <p><b></b> <p><b>72. 간밤에 한숨도 못 잤어.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; I didn\'t sleep a wink last night.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; I didn\'t get a wink of sleep last night.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; I tossed and turned all night.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; I was all over the bed.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; I didn\'t get any sleep[shut-eye].</b> <p><b></b> <p><b>73. 아주 푸욱 잘 잤다.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; I had a sound sleep.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; I slept soundly.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; I slept like a log[a baby, a rock, the dead]. </b> <p><b></b> <p><b>74. 인생이란 다 그런 거야.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; That\'s life.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Such is life.&nbsp; </b> <p><b>&nbsp; That\'s the way it goes.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; That\'s the way it is.&nbsp; </b> <p><b>&nbsp; That\'s the way the ball bounces.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; That\'s the way the cookie crumbles.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; That\'s the way the mop flops.</b> <p><b></b> <p><b>75. 나는 음치야.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; I\'m tone-deaf.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; I can\'t sing.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; I cannot carry a tune.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; I have a terrible voice.</b> <p><b></b> <p><b>76. 저리 가! 꺼져!</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Take a walk!</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Get lost!</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Get out of here!</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Beat it!</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Go away!</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Buzz off!&nbsp; </b> <p><b>&nbsp; Leave me alone, please.</b> <p><b></b> <p><b>77. 그는 그런 짓을 할만큼 어리석지는 않다.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; He knows better than to do such a thing.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; He is not so foolish as to do such a thing.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; He has more sense than to do such a thing.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Such is his wisdom that he will not do such a thing.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; He is above doing such a thing.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; He is the last man to do such a thing.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; He is far from doing such a thing.</b> <p><b></b> <p><b>78. 참 싸게 샀군요.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; That\'s a steal.&nbsp; </b> <p><b>&nbsp; It\'s a bargain.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; It\'s a good deal.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; That\'s a real good buy.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; That\'s very cheap.</b> <p><b></b> <p><b>79. 너무 비싼데요.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; That\'s much too expensive.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Too steep.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; The price is out of line.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; That\'s totally unreasonable.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; That\'s exorbitant. </b> <p><b>&nbsp; This is highway robbery.</b> <p><b></b> <p><b>80. 에누리 좀 안됩니까?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Can you come down a little?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Can you lower your price?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Can you give me a discount?</b> <p><b></b> <p><b>81. 돈으로 환불하여 주시기 바랍니다.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; I would like to get a refund on this.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Can I get a refund on this?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; I\'d like a refund.&nbsp; </b> <p><b>&nbsp; I\'d like my money back.&nbsp; </b> <p><b>&nbsp; Can I have my money back on this?</b> <p><b></b> <p><b>82. 그게 별거냐! 그래서 어떻다는 말이냐?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Big deal!(=Don\'t make a big deal out of it.)</b> <p><b>&nbsp; So what?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; It\'s just one of those things.&nbsp; </b> <p><b></b> <p><b>83. 내가 오늘 제정신이 아니야.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; I\'m not myself today.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; I must be out of my mind today.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; I\'m not in my right mind today.</b> <p><b></b> <p><b> &lt;cf&gt; 정신 나갔어?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Are you out of your mind?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Are you crazy or something?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Are you nuts?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Are you off your rocker?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; You have a screw loose or something?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; You have a screw missing?</b> <p><b></b> <p><b>84. 어떤 식으로 긴장을 푸십니까? / 여가를 어떻게 보내세요?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; What do you do for relaxation?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; What do you do to relax?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; What do you do to relieve stress?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; What do you do to unwind?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; How do you spend your leisure time?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; What do you do in your spare time?</b> <p><b></b> <p><b>85. 그는 말썽꾸러기다. 골칫거리다.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; He\'s a nuisance.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; He\'s a pest.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; He\'s a pain in the neck.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; He\'s a thorn in my side.</b> <p><b></b> <p><b>86. 정말 잘 어울려요.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; It\'s really you.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; It suits you very well[perfectly].</b> <p><b>&nbsp; You look nice in it.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; It looks really good[great] on you.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; It really becomes you.</b> <p><b></b> <p><b>87. 미치겠다.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; I\'m going crazy!</b> <p><b>&nbsp; I\'m going nuts!</b> <p><b>&nbsp; I\'m going bananas!</b> <p><b>&nbsp; It drives me crazy[mad, nuts, bananas]!</b> <p><b>&nbsp; It drives me up the wall!</b> <p><b></b> <p><b>88. 이 자리가 비어 있습니까?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Is this seat taken?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Is this seat occupied?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Is this seat being used?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Are you using this seat?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Is this seat vacant[empty]?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Has anybody taken this seat?</b> <p><b></b> <p><b>89. 돈 꽤나 들 겁니다. </b> <p><b>&nbsp; 돈이 엄청나게 많이 들 겁니다.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; It will cost you a pretty penny.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; It will cost you a bundle.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; It will cost you a lot of money.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; It will cost you a fortune.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; It will cost you a mint.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; It will cost you an arm and a leg.</b> <p><b></b> <p><b>90. 마침 그 물건이 떨어졌군요.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; They are all sold out.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; We are temporarily out of that item.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; We are temporarily out of stock on that item.</b> <p><b></b> <p><b>91. 당신 수표가 부도났다.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Your check returned.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Your check bounced.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; You gave me a bad check.</b> <p><b></b> <p><b>92. 왜 이렇게 늦었어?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; What took you so long?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; What kept you so long?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; What held you up so long?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; What made you so late?</b> <p><b></b> <p><b>93. 빨리 와.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Don\'t be long.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Be right back.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Hurry[Rush] back.</b> <p><b></b> <p><b>94. 아무에게도 말하지마. 비밀을 누설하지 말라.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Let\'s keep this between ourselves.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Let\'s keep this between you and me.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Don\'t spill the beans to anyone.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Don\'t let the cat out of the bag.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Don\'t let the rat out.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Don\'t tell anyone.</b> <p><b></b> <p><b>95. 말을 빙빙 돌리지 말아요.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Don\'t beat around the bush.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Get to the point.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Give me the bottom line.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Give it to me straight.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Don\'t give me the runaround.</b> <p><b></b> <p><b>96. 지금 당장은 잘 모르겠다.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; I can\'t tell offhand.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Not offhand.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Not off the top of my head.</b> <p><b></b> <p><b>97. 성가시게 그러실 것까진 없다.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Don\'t bother.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Don\'t go to any trouble.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; You don\'t have to go to any trouble.</b> <p><b></b> <p><b>98. 어디서 한 번 뵌 듯 합니다.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; You look familiar.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Haven\'t we met somewhere before?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Don\'t I know you?</b> <p><b></b> <p><b>99. 건배!</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Cheers!</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Bottoms up!</b> <p><b>&nbsp; (Here\'s) To our health!</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Let\'s drink to that!</b> <p><b>&nbsp; I\'d like to make[have] a toast.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; May I propose a toast?</b> <p><b></b> <p><b>100. 다음 기회로 미룰 수 없을까요?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Can I take a rain check?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Can I have a rain check on that?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Can you give me a rain check on that?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Let\'s make it some other time.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; I\'ll make it another time.</b> <p><b></b> <p><b>101. 여긴 웬 일이세요?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; What brings you here?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; What brought you here?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; What are you doing here?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; What made you come here?</b> <p><b></b> <p><b>102. 잔돈 좀 바꿔 줄 수 있느냐?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Can you change this?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Can you break this?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Can I have change for this?</b> <p><b></b> <p><b>103. 점심 식사 후에 야구 하는 게 어때?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; How about playing baseball after lunch?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; What about playing baseball after lunch?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; What do you say to playing baseball after lunch?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; What do you think about playing baseball after lunch?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Why don\'t we play baseball after lunch?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Let\'s play baseball after lunch, shall we?</b> <p><b></b> <p><b>104. 더 드시겠습니까?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Would you like a refill?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Would you care for seconds?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Would you like some more?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Would you like another drink?</b> <p><b></b> <p><b>105. 주머니 사정이 안 좋아.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; I\'ve been a little short lately.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; I\'m (dead) broke.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; I\'ve been in the red lately.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; I\'ve been in the hole lately.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; I can hardly keep my head above water.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; I can hardly make ends meet.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; I can\'t make ends meet.</b> <p><b></b> <p><b>106. 상관없어요.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; It doesn\'t make any difference.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; It makes no difference.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; What difference does it make?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; It doesn\'t matter.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; It\'s all the same.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; I have no preference.&nbsp; </b> <p><b>&nbsp; It is not important.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; I don\'t care.</b> <p><b></b> <p><b>107. 좋으실 대로 하세요.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Suit yourself.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; It\'s up to you.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Whatever you say.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Do as you like.</b> <p><b></b> <p><b>cf. 네 맘대로 해라. </b> <p><b>&nbsp; Have it your way.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; So be it.</b> <p><b></b> <p><b>108. 시간 좀 지켜라.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Don't be late.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Don't be tardy.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Be prompt.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Be punctual.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; Try to be on time.</b> <p><b></b> <p><b>109. 그냥 구경하고 있어요.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; I'm just looking (around).</b> <p><b>&nbsp; I'm just browsing.</b> <p><b>&nbsp; I'm just window-shopping.</b> <p><b></b> <p><b>110. 문이 왜 잘 열리지 않니? </b> <p><b>&nbsp; What's the matter with the door?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; What's wrong with the door?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; What's the trouble with the door?</b> <p><b>&nbsp; What's the problem with the door?</b></p> &nbsp;<p> <div style="border: 1px solid #ff0090; padding:10px;"> <a href="http://ontue.com/?cate=search&action=user&idx_curriculum=9010&nationality=&city=Input+city+name&gender=a&webcam=a&major=&orderby=v&uid=" target="_blank"> 온튜 OnTue.COM </a> <br> <a href="http://ontue.com/?cate=search&action=user&idx_curriculum=9010&nationality=&city=Input+city+name&gender=a&webcam=a&major=&orderby=v&uid=" target="_blank"> 수 만명의 온라인 영어 강사 실시간 채팅 및 강사 정보 제공. 사진, 동영상, 이력서, 전화번호 정보 공개! </a> <br> <a href="http://ontue.com" target="_blank">http://ontue.com</a> </div> <p>