[영어속담] A man is as old as he feels

[ <a href="http://ontue.com/?lesson_ko" target="_blank">온튜 http://www.ontue.com</a> - <a href="http://ontue.com/?lesson_ko" target="_blank">영어 공부 정보 제공 사이트</a> <a href="http://ontue.com/?lesson_ko" target="_blank">http://ontue.com/?lesson_ko</a> ] <p> <blockquote> <h3>&nbsp;</h3> <h3><strong><em>A man is as old as he feels</em></strong></h3> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Proverbial Meaning:</strong> So long as you are fit and healthy it matters little how old you are. <p><strong>Literal Origins:</strong> The proverb speaks for itself. <p><strong>Common Usage:</strong> This proverb is still in common use, though the <em>man </em>is usually omitted. It is usually said by old people discussing getting old, or answering a younger person’s questions on whether or not they are too old for certain behaviour usually associated with younger people. Most often it is simply spoken thusly: “You’re as old as you feel” or “You’re only as old as you feel”.</p></blockquote> &nbsp;<p> <div style="border: 1px solid #ff0090; padding:10px;"> <a href="http://ontue.com/?cate=search&action=user&idx_curriculum=9010&nationality=&city=Input+city+name&gender=a&webcam=a&major=&orderby=v&uid=" target="_blank"> 온튜 OnTue.COM </a> <br> <a href="http://ontue.com/?cate=search&action=user&idx_curriculum=9010&nationality=&city=Input+city+name&gender=a&webcam=a&major=&orderby=v&uid=" target="_blank"> 수 만명의 온라인 영어 강사 실시간 채팅 및 강사 정보 제공. 사진, 동영상, 이력서, 전화번호 정보 공개! </a> <br> <a href="http://ontue.com" target="_blank">http://ontue.com</a> </div> <p>