[영어속담] If the mountain will not go to Muhammed, then Muhammed must go to the mountain
[ 온튜 http://www.ontue.com - 영어 공부 정보 제공 사이트 http://ontue.com/?lesson_ko ] If the mountain will not go to Muhammed, then Muhammed must go to the mountain Proverbial Meaning: If you need something, or someone, to come to you, but it will not, you must go and get it. Or, if you want something positive to happen in your life you must go and make it happen, not sit around waiting for it to happen. Literal Origins: The origin of this proverb lies in the story of the prophet Muhammed who wanted a mountain to come to him, when he realised the mountain was not going to move for him he decided that he must go to the mountain instead. Common Usage: This proverb is extremely well-known and used regularly in everyday spoken English. 온튜 OnTue.COM 수 만명의 온라인 영어 강사 실시간 채팅 및 강사 정보 제공. 사진, 동영상, 이력서, 전화번호 정보 공개! http://ontue.com