필리핀 약재 정보좀요

<p>물에 끓여먹거나 가루로 타먹으려 합니다&nbsp;</p> <p>어떤 종류의 약재들이 좋은지 조언 부탁드려요 필고 선배님들</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>구매 방식과 가격도 부탁드립니다!</p>

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<p>malungay&nbsp;</p> <p>Ampalya&nbsp;</p> <p>Sambong</p> <p>Lagundi&nbsp;</p> <p>가격은 모르 겠어요.</p>

<p>@ 재키찬 님에게...감사합니다 재키찬님 혹시 술을 자주하는사람에게 좋은 약재는 뭐가 있을까요?</p>

<p>@ 간지나는 님에게...&nbsp;&nbsp; Lagundi&nbsp;&nbsp; 가&nbsp;&nbsp; 기관지,&nbsp; 간에&nbsp; 좋습니다; </p>

<p>@ 간지나는 님에게...</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Following are fatty liver <strong>medicine</strong> in the Philippines.</p> <p><strong>Liver Chi Tea or capsule </strong>&ndash; is a tea or capsule composed of tradition organic Chinese herbs such as Schisandra chinensis, Bupleurum chinensis and Smilax glabra which are helpful for preventing fats accumulation in the liver, reduce liver enzymes and cleanse damaged liver by inciting bile flow to eradicate toxins from liveri and prevent absorption of cholesterol.</p> <p><strong>Liveraide</strong> &ndash; the popular herbal medicine endorsed by Filipino bad boy actor Robin Padilla. The capsule contains silymarin, a natural flavanoid which had shown to prevent liver diseases such as Hepatitis, Psiorasis and Cirrhosis by strengthening the outer membranes of the liver cells, to protect liver from toxins, chemicals and other pollutants and by stimulating protein synthesis liver regeneration and repair.</p> <p><strong>Lagundi or Vitex negundo</strong> &ndash; herbal capsule primarily containing lagundi which is a large shrub native to the Philippines and subtropical regions that is usually used for treating cough. The lagundi equally have health benefits for supporting healthy liver functions.</p> <p><strong>Liver Support Factors</strong> is a capsule whose herbal contents are similar to Liver Chi plus other nutraceuticals for supporting liver function.</p> <p><strong>Dr Christophers Liver &amp; Gall Bladder</strong> &ndash; this capsule has a natural herbal formula for cleansing the liver and gall bladder.</p>

<p>@ 재키찬 님에게...재키찬님꼐 항상 감사드립니다 꾸벅</p>

<p>구야바노는 효능이떨어지나여.~^^@ 재키찬 님에게...</p>

<p>@ sksms 님에게...&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>malungay&nbsp; 건강식&nbsp; ,천연&nbsp; 비타민</p> <p>Ampalya&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 혈액 순환 개선,&nbsp; 혈당 조절 보조.</p> <p>Sambong&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 신장, 방광,&nbsp; 통풍 완화&nbsp;</p> <p>Lagundi&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 기관지&nbsp; ,간 도움</p> <p>위의&nbsp;&nbsp; 것 들은&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 보조 식품&nbsp; 평상시&nbsp;&nbsp; 복용&nbsp; 가능</p> <p>구야바노&nbsp; :&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 평상시&nbsp; 보다는&nbsp;,&nbsp; 중증 증상시&nbsp; 보조 요법이지,&nbsp; 치료제로&nbsp; 오해는&nbsp; 않했음 합니다.</p>

<p>@ 재키찬 님에게...</p> <p>오오오~좋은 건강약재 정보 감사합니다~^^</p> <p>평소 호흡기관련이 안 좋고 천식판정을 받았는데, 위의 라군디 꼭 먹어보겠습니다.</p> <p>좋은 건강정보 거듭 고개 숙여 감사드립니다.(꾸벅~)</p>

<p>@ 노토 님에게...라군디는&nbsp;&nbsp; 기관지 쪽에&nbsp; 인정&nbsp; 받는&nbsp; 약재&nbsp; 입니다. </p> <p>실제로&nbsp;&nbsp; 약으로도&nbsp; (&nbsp; 캡슐,&nbsp; 시럽 )&nbsp; 필리핀&nbsp;FDA 에서&nbsp; 허가 된&nbsp; ~</p>

<p>@ 재키찬 님에게...유익한 정보 진심으로 감사 드립니다~~</p>

<p>네 그렇군여 감사합니다 항상 댓글또는 쪽지로 많은 도움을주셔서~^^@ 재키찬 님에게...</p>

<p>Ampalya&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 혈액 순환 개선,&nbsp; 혈당 조절 보조.</p> <p>이걸 먹으면 왜 혈압이 높아지는지는 모르겠지만 관련이 있긴 있군요.</p>

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