메이드 고용계약서와 야야 고용계약서 양식이 필요합니다. 좀 도와주세요.
<p>드디어 집을 구하게되어 이제는 메이드랑 애들 야야을 구해야 할듯 한데 고용계약서서 샘플좀 </p> <p>구해봅니다. 그리고 고용하게되면 보험은 어떻게 드는 건지도 좀 알려주시면 감사하겠습니다.</p>
<p>드디어 집을 구하게되어 이제는 메이드랑 애들 야야을 구해야 할듯 한데 고용계약서서 샘플좀 </p> <p>구해봅니다. 그리고 고용하게되면 보험은 어떻게 드는 건지도 좀 알려주시면 감사하겠습니다.</p>
어드민이나 케어테이커 한테 물어보시면 될 거 같네요.
고용계약서는 서로 조율을 맞춰야합니다. 저희 같은경우에는 제가 직접 계약서를 썻고요. CONTACT OF EMPLOYEE KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: , of legal age, Korean national resides at referred as employer. And , of legal age, , referred as employee. Provisions: 1. Both agree that the employe would have the salary of P3,500.00 plus the food allowance of P500.00 monthly. 2. Both agree that the salary and food allowance is given every end of the month. 3. Both agree that the employee is not allowed to use cellphone during working time. 4. Both agree that the employee should give 15 days grace period before leaving the employ. 5. Both agree that the employee should seek permission everytime she leaves the residence. 6. Both agree that the contract has the value of 6 months effective upon the signing of it. 7. Both agree that both parties have the right to terminate the contract if one of the provisions has been violated. ________________________________________ ________________________________ Employer Employee Date: April 6, 2016
CONTACT OF EMPLOYEE KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: , of legal age, Korean national resides at referred as employer. And , of legal age, , referred as employee. Provisions: 1. Both agree that the employe would have the salary of P3,500.00 plus the food allowance of P500.00 monthly. 2. Both agree that the salary and food allowance is given every end of the month. 3. Both agree that the employee is not allowed to use cellphone during working time. 4. Both agree that the employee should give 15 days grace period before leaving the employ. 5. Both agree that the employee should seek permission everytime she leaves the residence. 6. Both agree that the contract has the value of 6 months effective upon the signing of it. 7. Both agree that both parties have the right to terminate the contract if one of the provisions has been violated. ________________________________________ ________________________________ Employer Employee Date: April 6, 2016
필고 서류양식 에 들어가 보시면 양식 및 법률 주의사항등 정보가 전부 있습니다.
필고 서류 양식 참조 하시기 바랍니다 좋은 오후 되세요
필고서류 양식코너에 가시면 원하시는거 찾을수있어요
첨부 사이트에 들가셔서 찾아쓰세요 http://legal-forms.philsite.net/
많은 분들이 벌써 알려 주셨네요...한발 늦었음..^^
좋은 정보 감사 합니다.
제 경우는 몇가지 지켜야할것 요구하고 메이드 원하는것 몇가지 들어주고..걍~~ 3년 차 지내고 있네요
좋은정보 감사드립니다.