
*법인회사 설립/사업계획/민.형사 사건/호텔운영/요식업소운영 등에 관련된 전문 영문서식(네이버회원가입) http://cafe.naver.com/palawanrealestate Templates Ξ Company Profile(회사소개서) Ξ Business Plan(사업계획서) Ξ Business Proposal(사업제안서) Ξ Proposal to Purchase(구매제안서) Ξ Lease Agreement(부동산계약서) Ξ Partnership Agreement(동업계약서) Ξ Partnership Dissolution Agreement(동업해지계약서) Ξ OEM Agreement(주문제품생산계약서) Ξ Letter to Confirm Employment(채용확인서) Ξ Employee Dismissal Letter(직원해고통지서) Ξ Company Discipline Policy(사내 규정) Ξ Employee Handbook(직원 지침서) Ξ Letter of Resignation(사직서) Ξ Power of Attorney(위임장) Ξ Employment Contract(고용계약서) Ξ Secretary Certificate(법인서기증명서) Ξ Affidavit(진술서) Ξ Waiver of Right(권리의포기) Ξ Letter of Authorization(승인서) Ξ G I S(General Information Sheet) Ξ Directors Certificate(이사증명서) Ξ Employee Complaint Form(직원투서양식) Ξ Customer Complaint Form(고객투서양식) Ξ Board Resolution(이사결의안) Ξ Mortgage Deed(담보증서) Ξ Deed of Sale(판매증서) Ξ Employment Application Form(채용신청서) Ξ Job Applicant Interview Script(직원인터뷰양식) Ξ Invitation(초청장)

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