7천8백명의 경찰이 과도한 마약 단속으로 징계
수 천명의 경찰들이 과도한 마약 단속으로 징계를 받았으며 그 중 2천명 이상이 해고를 당했습니다. 원문 : https://www.sunstar.com.ph/article/1814910/Manila/Local-News/7800-Philippines-police-punished-for-deadly-drug-raids Thousands of police officers have received administrative punishments with more than 2,000 dismissed for wrongdoings during raids where drug suspects were killed under President Rodrigo Duterte's crackdown, officials said Thursday, July 18, 2019. Communications Assistant Secretary Marie Rafael Banaag told a news conference that 14,724 police were investigated for their involvement in police drug operations that led to deaths from July 2016 until last April. She said 7,867 of them received administrative punishments for unspecified lapses. A tally presented by Banaag showed that 2,367 police officers have been fired, 4,100 suspended, while the rest were reprimanded, demoted, had their salaries forfeited or deprived of certain privileges. Banaag did not say how many officers have been criminally charged for serious lapses or outright crimes committed while enforcing the crackdown, which was launched by Duterte as his centerpiece program when he took office in mid-2016. Police officials said about 6,600 drug suspects have been killed in raids carried out by the police mostly in gunbattles that ensued after the suspects fought back and endangered the lives of law enforcers. Banaag and other officials reported a lower death toll, more than 5,500, saying authorities were still verifying other drug-related deaths. Last year, a Philippine court found three police officers guilty of killing a student they alleged was a drug dealer in the first known such conviction under the crackdown. The court ruled the officers murdered Kian Loyd delos Santos during a raid in Caloocan city's slums in the Manila metropolis and rejected the policemen's claim that the 17-year-old fired back while resisting arrest. Delos Santos's family and witnesses testified in official investigations that he was shot in a dark alley near a creek as he pleaded for his life. Delos Santos's killing and that of a South Korean who was allegedly strangled to death by an anti-drugs officer in an extortion attempt prompted Duterte to briefly suspend the drug crackdown amid outcries. National police chief Oscar Albayalde said criminal complaints will be filed separately against at least two officers after a three-year-old girl, Myca Ulpina, was killed in a police raid in late June in which her father, a drug suspect, was gunned down along with another civilian and a police officer in Rodriguez town east of Manila. "There are certain flaws probably in what happened during operations but these are actually being addressed," Undersecretary Severo Catura, an official dealing with human rights issues, said in the news conference. "That's why we are saying here that however we're concerned with regard to apprehending criminals, we're also that concerned with regard to ensuring that the rule of law is followed," he added. He said more than 200 policemen have been killed and 700 others wounded in drug raids -- statistics that Duterte himself has often cited to counter allegations by human rights activists that police have killed suspects beyond the law because they violently resisted. Banaag said it was the first time authorities disclosed the full extent of police who have been disciplined for lapses in the anti-drug crackdown. Former Commission on Human Rights chairwoman Loretta Ann Rosales, however, said the high number of erring enforcers involved in raids where lives were lost in alarming levels should prompt the government to immediately suspend and review the crackdown. "It's terrible, it's alarming, it's unconscionable," Rosales said. Duterte had rejected those calls and warned drug suspects that his campaign would be more dangerous in the final three years of his six-year presidency. (AP)
17살짜리 좀도둑을 마약쟁이로 몰아 죽이더군요..
마약단속도 중요하지만 선량한국민들 희생은 안되지요 ㅠㅠ.
생각보다 많네요 차츰 경찰들도 좋아 지길 바래 봅니다
필리핀의 사법, 치안 체계가 인권 등의 시대적 가치에 부합한 문명국으로 안정을 굳건이하여 필 국민 뿐 아니라 외국인 한국 교민이 안심하고 일상을 누리게 되기 바라며, 더 많은 한국 관광객이 필을 사랑하게 되기를 기대해 봅니다.
마약 판매하던 경찰이 단속을 하려니 입막음 으로 선의 피해자가 생기기도 할것이내요 오토바이 타고 와서 바랑가이 카피탄 무차별 총격을 가하고 도주를 해도 범인을 잡을 생각을 안하는 경찰~
에휴 얼마나 갈려나 모르지요
필리핀은 마역전쟁 언제나 멈출려나..? .
이상하면 쏴 죽여도, 징계 받으면 그만이니...막 총질하는듯.
이런 수치가 사실 일까요. 경찰이 경찰서 주차장에서 납치살인을 해도 업드려뻐쳐 하고 마는 나라에서.
무분별하게 정치적으로 이용하니 저런일이 생길수 밖에요
통계! 자료 조사의 주체가 누군지..? 관광지 가서는 반을 깎고 흥정하며, 통계는 배를 더해 이해하면 된다는... 그러나 정부가 줄이고픈 통계 수치는 역시 반을 더하고 늘이고픈 통계는 반을 줄이는 탄력적 이해가 필요하네요.
마약 단속은 그래도 잘한 일이라고 생각합니다 다만 너무 과도한 실적 위주의 검거 조사 등등 그나저나 담배는 좀 풀어주면 안되나??? 담배 때문에 말라테를 벗어 나지를 못하겠넹 ㅠㅠ