배를 타고 도망가려는 한국인 2명 체포

인신매매 사건으로 구속된 한국인을 돕기 위한 자금을 가로채어 도망치려고 Albay 의 배에 승선한 한국인 2명 강민구(28세 남), 최민(23세 남)씨 체포하였습니다. Coast Guard foils escape attempt of two Koreans accused of theft Two Korean nationals, who allegedly fled after taking the money intended for the expenses of their fellowmen currently detained for a human trafficking case in the Philippines, were recently nabbed while onboard a passenger vessel in Albay. The arrested suspects identified as Kang Min Go, 28, and Choi Min, 23, were reported for a qualified theft case after allegedly withdrawing undetermined amount of money from a bank account, which was intended for the financial expenses of six other Koreans, who are currently under the custody of Bureau of Jail Management and Penology in Masbate City. According to the Philippine Coast Guard, the detained Koreans filed a complaint against Kang and Choi last week. The complaint and whereabouts of the suspects then reached the Coast Guard, prompting them to conduct an inspection and paneling on a vessel bound for Manila. While the vessel was enroute to Pioduran Port in Albay from Port of Masbate, the suspects were arrested. A caliber .45 pistol with two magazines loaded with 19 bullets was also found from their possession. It was also disclosed that the suspects were accused of stealing an undetermined amount of money from a certain Mr. Lee in Masbate City. 원문 : https://news.mb.com.ph/2019/07/22/coast-guard-foils-escape-attempt-of-two-koreans-accused-of-theft/

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것참.... 참으로 덥답합니다 조용한 필리핀은 언제나 ...

@ 하얀고무신 님에게... 필리핀에 대한 인식이 너무나 안좋습니다..... 이참에 나쁜 한국인 질나쁜 한국인 불법체류자들 모두 떠났으면 좋겠네요.....

비참해사서 안되긋네요 그냥 죽어야할듯요

조용할날이 없군 ㅎㅎㅎ . .



헐 별일이 다 있네요

왜 한국 놔두고 머나먼 필리핀까지 와서 저 행각을 벌이는지 참.. 20대 젊을때 못된것만 배워가지고 싹수가 노랗다 못해 말라비틀어졌군요.

나쁜 짓해서 돈 벌다 감옥가고, 다른 놈들은 그 돈갖고 튀다 잡히고, 메뉴 정말 다양하네.

베트남도 최근들어 한국인 범죄가 소셜 이슈가 되고 있네요.. 박항서 매직이 어색하게 되었습니다 참..

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