한국계 미국인 김동영(66세, 남)씨 불법 마약 소지로 체포되

한국계 미국인 김동영(66세, 남)씨 불법 마약 소지로 체포되 경찰은 8 월 16 일, 한국계 미국인 김동영(66세, 남)씨를 불법 마약 소지 혐의로 체포하였습니다. 김씨는 이혼자였으며 카가얀데오로 업타운의 Koresco 호텔에 머물렀습니다. Police apprehended a 66-year-old Korean-American national for alleged possession of illegal substance inside a hotel room in Barangay Lumbia, this city, on August 16. The police identified the suspect as Dong Young Kim, divorced, and staying at the Koresco Hotel in uptown Cagayan de Oro. According to Capt. Tessie Lleva, head of the Cogon police station, Dong is a retired United States Army serviceman and has been using his monthly pension for his daily needs here. Although he was born in South Korea, Dong is an American citizen, based on his passport. Lleva said Dong has been known to sell shabu to his compatriots living in the city. The suspect was divorced in his home country, but he reportedly kept a handful of Filipino girlfriends here. “His clients are fellow Koreans who, aside from using illegal drugs, are also avid e-bingo players,” she said. Dong, she said, was considered by the Cogon police as a high-value target. In fact, she added, the foreigner was arrested for possessing and selling illegal drugs in 2016, but the charges against him were dismissed. Lleva said they have yet to know the circumstances on how Dong went scot-free regarding his first arrest. She said they have been conducting month-long surveillance on Dong, who they found out got his drug supply from a contact in General Santos City. When the police were about to arrest Dong and his drug supplier Thursday night, the contact never arrived and told the suspect by phone that he cannot yet deliver the illegal substance. Instead of calling off the operation, Lleva said an operative invited Dong to do drugs inside his hotel room. Personnel from the Cogon police arrested Dong as they were about to start the shabu session. Confiscated from him were two small sachets of suspected shabu. Lleva said the suspect could face charges of illegal possession of drugs. Dong refused to answer queries from reporters. 원문:

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옆에있는 여경하구 뽀뽀하구싶다

@ 리자리 님에게... 공감합니다

@ 리자리 님에게... ㅋㅋ이뻐보이지도 안네요 ㅎㅎ . . . . . . .

@ 리자리 님에게... 아놔 정신이 어디에 있으신 분인건지...ㅠㅠ

사진 참 보기 불편합니다. 미국적이라지만,한국인인데 고개숙인 한국남자 으시대는 필핀여자경찰. 차라리 무릅을 꿀리지.

Dong Young Kim 에서 Dong 이 성이라고 생각한 모양이네요. 계속 동동 거리네요. 아니면 기자가 필리핀식으로 김씨의 이름을 보고 김씨에게 귀여운 예명을 붙여준건지도..

@ 리오넬몇시 님에게... 오예, 씩쓰헌드렛 떨띠 뽀인뜨, 쌀라맛 삘고

나이도 지긋하신 분인데..ㅜㅜ 마약에 손을대신 이유가 이혼 후, 정신적 불안??..ㅜㅜ 마약에는 이유가 없다 하던데..ㅜㅜ

것참..... 답답합니다. 뭐라 허야되나 츠암네

으~구 나이먹구 왜그럴까ㅎㅎㅎ . . . .

형님, 어쩌다 머나먼 필리핀에서 약까지 하셨나요..나이 들 수록 망신살 없도록 조심

이분 저번에도 셋업걸려서 1년 살다나오시더니 또 들어가셨내요.

필리핀에 한국계 미국인들이 꽤 많더라구요

이혼 한 것도 뉴스에 나오네요...

여경 아줌마 이쁘시네요.ㅎㅎㅎ

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