한국인이 카지노에서 필리핀 가수를 폭행하여 체포

리조트월드 카지노에서 한국인 Luk Perry(남, 30세)씨가 가수 셜리 델 로사리오 씨를 폭행해서 연행되었습니다. Luk Perry 씨는 신고를 받고 출동한 경찰에게 까지 폭언과 난폭한 행동을 하여 수갑을 채운 상태로 경찰서로 이동하게 되었습니다. Korean national nabbed after beating performers in Pasay A Korean national was arrested after beating a performer/singer and shouted invectives to responding policemen at the Resort World Manila on Thursday in Pasay City. Pasay City police chief P/Colonel Bernard Yang identified the arrested suspect as Luk Perry, 30. Base on the report submitted by Yang to the Southern Police District (SPD), the suspect was arrested at about 3:15 Thursday morning at the casino area of the Resort World Manila, Newport Boulevard, Pasay City. Prior to the suspect’s arrest, it was learned that the Pasay City police received a call from the said hotel that a Korean national was creating trouble at the said casino. The suspect, likewise, had earlier badmouthed and beat the victim identified as Shirley Del Rosario, 47, recording artist, a resident of Taguig City. When responding policeman came to the scene, the suspect reportedly resisted arrest and even shouted invectives at the operatives until Perry was handcuffed and was later brought to the police station for proper documentation. Charges of physical injury, oral defamation, alarm and scandal, and resisting arrest were filed against the suspect who is now at the detention facility of the Pasay City police. 원문:

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에고......... 카지노에서 잃으시과 홧김에 그러신건가...

Luk Perry 가 한국인것이 맞나 모르겠네요. 이름이 너무 이상합니다.^^;

나도어릴때 오락실에서 스트리트파이터 게속지면 그새끼 발로까고 도망갔었는데..나같은놈이 또있긴하네

이런 이런 하지 안했어야하는 폭력을,,, 돈 다발 싸들고 합의를 봐야 그나마,,, 폭력은 안됨

참 여러가지들 하시네 . 조용히 돈 따서 돌아가시면 될것을...

한국인 맞나요? 이름이...

돈을 땃다면 저런한 행동을 안했을꺼 같은데 아무래도 많이 잃어서 이성을 잃었나보네요 카지노에서 저렇게까지 싸울일이 있는건가..

LUK ? 럭? 룩? 락? 록? 한국인 이름 같지가 않은데...

노래를 그렇게못했나? ㅋ 열일하는 한국인들 바쁘시네 ㅋ

카지노에서 가수를 때릴 일이 뭐가 있을까요? 같은 자리에서 겜이라도 했나?

이름이 아무리봐도 한국인 같지가 않은데..

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