도박사이트 운영한 정형욱씨가 강제 추방되어 한국에 도착하자 마자 체포됨

한국인 정형욱(남, 35세) 씨가 블랙리스트에 추가되고 필리핀에서 추방되었습니다. 한국에 도착하자 마자 정씨는 체포되었습니다. Korean operator of illegal gambling website deported MANILA -- A 35-year-old Korean fugitive wanted for operating an illegal gambling website in his country has been deported, the Bureau of Immigration (BI) said on Tuesday. According to BI Port Operations chief Grifton Medina, Jung Hyeongwook, boarded a Philippine Airlines flight to Busan last September 3. He was issued a temporary travel document by the South Korean embassy to facilitate his departure and was later arrested upon his arrival in South Korea. The foreigner was deported a few days after he surrendered to the embassy in Manila which cancelled his passport. “I’ve recommended to Commissioner Jaime Morente that he (Jung) be placed in our blacklist to prevent him from reentering the country,” Medina said in a statement. It was learned that the Korean is wanted for prosecution for violating his country’s national sports promotion act, was subject of a red notice issued by the Interpol last July 16. Citing information obtained from the Korean police, the BI-Interpol said that between October 2015 and March 2016, Jung operated an illegal gambling website called pony-ber1.com, which provided sports betting facility to members. The website had since been taken down. Jung and his cohorts allegedly collected betting money from the members and pocketed nearly USD6 million from the online gambling racket. The maximum jail term for the said crime is seven years. (PNA)

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훈훈한 기사이네요...교도소에서 교화되어 새사람으로 거듭나시리길...

도박,,, 해서도 안되고 권장 해서도 안되는,,, 동네 사람들 아침이면 모여서 똥엣 하는것 보면 에혀 ㅎㅎ

한번 발 들이면 끊기가 힘들지요

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