한국인 신인환(46세, 남)씨가 공사중인 Halandumon 타워를 들이받아

지난 24일, 한국인 신인환씨가 운전하던 차량이 Halandumon Tower 들이 받아 일부가 손상되었습니다. THE P4.8 million Halandumon Tower at Gonzaga-Gatuslao streets, Barangay 12, Bacolod City was damaged after it was hit by a Ford Everest vehicle driven by a Korean National yesterday morning. Police Major Jovil Sedel, chief of Police Station 1, said the lower portion of Halandumon Tower was damaged after it was hit by Ford Everest vehicle driven by Shin Inhwan, 46, and temporarily staying at Lopues Square, Barangay Tangub, Bacolod. Sedel said Inhwan along with his Korean friend was travelling from north to south of Gonzaga-Gatuslao streets at about 12:20 a.m. He was driving in a counter flow direction when bumped the Halandumon Tower, Sedel added. Inhwan and his friend sustained minor injuries and were rushed to a hospital. Inhwan assured the police that he will shoulder the expenses to repair the damage portion of the tower. He already talked with the contractor of the tower and the representative of City Engineer’s Office and no charges were filed against him. In 2019, several netizens on social media criticized the project when it was inaugurated on June 18. The structure is made of steel materials, its column cover made of light wall concrete, and the Light Emitting Diode (LED) lighting is programmable weather proof. The repair of the lights is still ongoing. “Halandumon” is Hiligaynon for “memorable” or “worthy to be remembered.

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이건 보상이 크겠는데요?? 보험을 들었겠죠????????????

많이 다치지 않으신게 다행입니다. 잘 처리 되길 바랍니다.

음주운전은 아니겠죠? 급발진이라고 우길수도 있겠네요.. 다치지 않았으니 그나마 다행입니다

음주인가.? 급발진.? 큰사고아닌게 다행입니다.

블랙박스가 있으면 확인하고 싶네요..

타워지지대? 저거 대나무에용?ㅋㅋ

@ 껨돌이 님에게...아시바 같은데요. 대나무였으면 부러졌겠죠.

크게 다치지 않았으면 불행중 다행이네요 항상 안전운전하세요

에고 타국에서 운전 조심 해야징...ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

강관 파이프가 저렇게 휠 정도면....

많이 다치지 않으신게 다행입니다. 잘 처리 되길 바랍니다.

그나마 운전자가 많이 다치지 않은 것 같네요. 다행입니다.

언제나 운전 조심, 특히나 타국에선 더욱 더.. ㅠㅠ

연휴 마지막 날입니다. 행운이 듬뿍 담긴 하루 되세요.


P4.8 million 이라고 비용까지 적어서 뉴스올린것 봐서는 배상많이 요구할것 같네요. 구글에 사진을 보니 꽤나 많이 망가졌네요. 차량은 사진에 보이는것보다 훨씬 찌그러들었습니다.

외국인 으로서는.. 운전도 더 조심 조심.. 해야 할거 같아요... 큰 화가 없어서,, 다행 입니다만.. 보상은 피할수가 없겟네요.. ㅠㅠ

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