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한국에서 받을 택배 있는데 한국에서 발송하면 필리핀에서 받을수있을까요? 택배업체들도 장사 안하는거면 못받는건데 궁금하네요

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한국에서 출발하는 비행편이 거의 끊겼고, 선박을 이용한다고 해도 마닐라에 도착한 이후 물건을 지방으로 배송할 방법이 없어, 현재로서는 락다운이 풀려 물류가 다시 돌아가기전에는 힘들겁니다.

@ 이방인의꿈 님에게... 답변 감사드립니다. 지역간 락다운이어도 혹시 택배물류는 예외이지 않을까 했는데 역시나네요 한국에서 오는 택배 받는건 포기해야겠군요ㅠㅠ

@ akomasarap 님에게... 한국에서 클락으로 화물기는 운행중인 것으로 알고 있습니다

배송은하는데 좀 길어집니다. 평소보다 2-3배 이상 걸릴듯요. 2/27에 발송 3/20에 받았습니다. 항공화물 fast cargo 이용

얼마전 락다운중에 hs항공 택배회사를 통해서 화물 받았습니다 아마 마닐라안에서는 몇일 늦게 배달되어도 받을 수는 있는 것으로 알고 있습니다

PPA에서 가져온 뉴스 입니다. Manila ports fear shut down due to continued cargo congestion, slow pull out 31 MARCH 2020, MANILA—Philippine Ports Authority (PPA) General Manager Jay Daniel R. Santiago warned of a possible port shutdown if cargo owners and consignees continue to shun calls to withdraw cleared, ready for delivery and overstaying cargoes. Santiago said that despite efforts to transfer cleared and overstaying containers from the Manila International Container Terminal (MICT) to a facility inside the Manila North Harbor, there are still not enough breathing space for the Manila port terminals to operate efficiently and productively. Yard utilization at the Manila international ports, composed of the Manila International Container Terminal (MICT) and the Manila South Harbor are almost 100% full as majority of cargoes remained idle after the implementation of the Community Quarantine some two weeks ago. “Ports, specifically the Manila ports, are the lungs of the country’s commerce and trade. These lungs right now are not functioning efficiently due to congestion,” Santiago stressed. “If we continue to ignore calls to withdraw even only those cleared, ready for delivery, and overstaying cargoes, these lungs are in danger of total collapse, resulting in full-blown port congestion, or worst, a shutdown, and consequently a shortage in the much needed goods and supplies which are expected to address the demands of the market,” Santiago explained. “Again, Government is appealing to the consignees, cargo owners, brokers, logistics, manufacturers and other supply chain service providers to help us address this situation by withdrawing their cargoes,” Santiago added. “We really need to clear these cargoes to accommodate the incoming ones as most of our needs to fight this COVID-19 pandemic are in these incoming cargoes,” Santiago stressed. Over the weekend, PPA with agencies like the Bureau of Customs (BOC), the Department of Trade and Industry(DTI) and the Department of Agriculture (DA), among others, are now looking at measures to prevent congestion at the ports after the Inter-Agency Task Force (IATF) for the Management of Emerging Infectious Diseases issued an order to clear the ports with containers. Among the heavily considered measures include the forfeiture of overstaying cargoes in favor of Government and reducing the cargo clearing period as well as the free storage period from the current allowable time in order to force the cargo owners to withdraw as they will be burdened with heavy fines, penalties and storage fees. The agencies are expected to come out with a Joint Memorandum Circular to effect the needed yard management at the Manila ports. As of Friday, approximately 800+ cleared reefer vans are inside the MICT containing perishables like food, medicines and other essentials while approximately 2,000+ dry containers already cleared and ready for delivery remain inside the terminal. This number as of press time has further increased. As a stop-gap measure, PPA has authorized an area at the Manila North Harbor, the country’s premiere domestic terminal, for the purpose of the immediate and accelerated transfer of all overstaying foreign containers already cleared for delivery or withdrawal to maintain the high operational efficiency and productivity of the MICT while the entire island of Luzon is under the Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ) brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic. The MICT also earlier called for solidarity among all the port and shipping stakeholders in its bid to reduce congestion at the terminal. The appeal which was signed by the International Container Terminal Services, Inc. vice president Christian R. Gonzales, urged all cargo owners and stakeholders to regularly and continuously withdraw the reefer vans and other containerized cargoes already cleared by the BOC to guarantee that the terminal will be operating under optimal condition. It added that the longer the wait, the longer the disservice will be to the country as it continues its battle against COVID-19. 참고하시죠

우체국은 확실히 문을 닫았습니다 그외는 하는곳도 있을것 같은데요~~~

@ 유년의수채화 님에게... 3월20일날 필리핀에 우체국 택배가 도착했는데 못받나요 그럼?ㅠ

한국에서 필리핀 필리핀에서 한국 정상운영중입니다. 필공구 플러스 친구로 문의주세요 아래의 링크를 눌러주시거나 혹은 검색에서 필리핀 http://pf.kakao.com/_bGThxl 친구추가해두시면 맛있는 소식을 가장 빠르게!

락다운중에 LBC 항공 택배 받았어요 약과 마스크

LBC도 지방은 배달업무 중단상태라네요...

3월20일에 필리핀에 우체국 택배가 도착했다는데 저는 카비테 삽니다 이렇게 오래걸리나요?

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