How to find someone? (18)
My boyfriend suddenly disconnect.. how can i find him?
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My boyfriend suddenly disconnect.. how can i find him?
connect battleground or send steam message?
give me some info about him, could be helpful to find.
Sorry but, forget him or keep waiting.
@ 야비온다 님에게... Sad :(
simple. connetct him again!
@ 동수기 님에게... How? He change number.. im waiting for over 6 months now.. i dont know what happened to him
@ ロイせ チェック@페이스북-7B 님에게... Passed expiration date
이분 아이디가 일본글자인데요. 왜 한국분 찾는것 같다고 생각하시는지 이해가 안 갑니다. 일본 사이트에서 일본사람 그분이나 찾으시지...
@ 한번만더기회를 님에게... 필녀일 거에요. 일본어하는 친구들은 아뒤 저렇게 카타카나로 쓰기도 해요. 한국 돌아간 한국인 찾을겁니다. 아뒤가 영어로 쓰면, Royce check네요
@ 한번만더기회를 님에게...오늘 가입하고 장난치는거 같은데요. 새벽에 항상 이러는 분 있어요.
두드리면 열릴것이요 찾으면 구 할 것이니 열심히 찾으시오
참.. 영어로 글 쓰니께 애닮븐 님들 넘쳐 나네유?.. 이걸 두고 필녀들.. 마사랍.. 허쥬?
woalTspdy. wjatnsk qkedkrkfRpdy.
in dreams
you can find him.
한글 안쓰는거 보니아직 답답은거 없어보임
He has already gone. Love is moving actually. You may find a new boyfriend. Wish you meet better person near in the future. I recommend you to stop finding him. As he blocked you, he will be blocked too. Be happy and dont be frustrated. Even though you have lots of pains in your heart it will be cured soon. Mabuhay ! (Live long well !!!)
Hul~ u register ur boyfr pics in pilgo maybe U can find him