은퇴비자 특별입국허가서

은퇴비자 소지자가 특별입국허가서 받는 방법 좀 알려주세요. 전에 중부루손한인회에서 일괄 신청받던데... 지금도 한인회에서 신청받나요? (참고로 대사관에 수십차례 전화 해봤는데.... 통화안되요)

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어제 은퇴청에서 공지를 보냈던데 은퇴청에 신청하면 된다고 이메일받았어요. 기존보다 빨리 처리해줄것 같아요. In view of the above, all SRRV holders planning to return to the Philippines are reminded to send your letter request to PRA thru reentryrequest@pra.gov.ph and attach the following documents  Biopage of current Passport (with or without the SRR Visa)  Biopage of Passport bearing the SRRVisa  Photocopy of the SRRVisa on passport or Bureau of Immigration Order  Photocopy of your PRA ID Card (front and back) and  Filled-out PRA Re-entry Request Form We will submit your request to the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) through the Department of Tourism (DOT) For the issuance of the entry exemption document. We will advise you once DFA has already issued the Endorsement.