파퀴아오(Pacquiao)의 올림픽 출전이 가능할까요? (2)
Philippine Olympic Committee(POC) 는 파퀴아오의 올림픽 출전 가능성을 준비 중입니다. 매니 파퀴아오 캠프는 내년 파리 올림픽에서 올림픽 메달을 노리고 싶다고 손을 내밀어 관심을 표명했습니다. 하지만 상원의원은 다음 달 항저우 아시안게임 예선에 더 이상 출전할 수 없다”고 덧붙였습니다. 아시안게임에는 40세까지 선수들이 출전할 수 있습니다. 파퀴아오는 44세 입니다. POC 회장 톨렌티노에 따르면 현지 올림픽 단체는 필리핀 복싱연맹(Abap), 국제올림픽위원회(IOC)와 파퀴아오의 요청을 어떻게 처리할지 논의를 시작했습니다.. 파퀴아오가 자격을 얻을 수 있는 다른 두 가지 방법이 있습니다. IOC의 보편성 면제를 통하거나 내년에 예정된 힘든 예선 토너먼트를 통하는 것입니다. IOC는 파리에 9개의 보편성 좌석(여성용 5개, 남성용 4개)을 개설할 예정입니다. 파퀴아오는 현재 체중이 66kg이며 파리에서 63.6kg 또는 71kg 부문에서 싸울 수 있습니다.... https://sports.inquirer.net
Manny Pacquiao fighting for the flag and country? It’s a little late to the party but it seems that the country’s ring icon, whose boxing exploits kicked off what is currently a golden age for Philippine sports, is serious about adding a particularly precious prize to his vast trophy room. l An Olympic gold. Philippine Olympic Committee (POC) president Abraham “Bambol’’ Tolentino said on Wednesday that the former senator and eight-division world champion’s camp has reached out and expressed interest for a shot at an Olympic medal in next year’s Paris Games. “Senator Pacquiao’s camp reached out saying our Filipino ring idol wants to fight in Paris,’’ said Tolentino. l Ways to qualify “But the Senator can no longer vie for qualification in the Asian Games in Hangzhou next month,’’ he added. The Asian Games allows athletes of up to 40 years old in its competitions. Pacquiao is 44. According to Tolentino, the local Olympic body has opened discussions with the Association of Boxing Alliances in the Philippines (Abap) and the International Olympic Committee (IOC) on how to deal with Pacquiao’s request. The IOC will supervise the boxing competitions in Paris following the suspension of the International Boxing Association. There are two other ways Pacquiao can qualify: Either through the universality exemption from the IOC or through grueling qualification tournaments scheduled next year. The IOC will open nine universality berths—five for women and four for men—for Paris. Pacquiao currently weighs in at 66 kilograms and can fight in either the 63.6 kg or 71 kg divisions in Paris. Professional boxers have been allowed in the Olympics. In the 2021 edition of the Games in Tokyo, 43 of 186 boxers were prizefighters, including Eumir Marcial, who won a bronze for the country. sports.inquirer.net
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