안티폴로 대성당, 필리핀과 아시아 최초의 국제 성지 (6)

Antipolo Cathedral now PH and Asia’s first international shrine MANILA, Philippines — Apostolic Nuncio to the Philippines Most Rev. Charles John Brown said on Friday that popular piety was a manifestation of the richness of culture and faith in the country. In his homily during the declaration of the Antipolo Cathedral as the Philippines’ first international shrine, the papal nuncio gave examples of where faith and culture met, such as the celebrations of Traslacion, Sinulog, and Simbang Gabi. "All of these are examples of the richness, the patrimony, the treasure of Philippine popular religiosity. Popular piety. And I’m here to tell you that for me, as a non-Filipino having lived here for three years, it is so edifying and wonderful to see this evidence of the popular piety of the Filipino people,” Brown said. "Embodied in a culture, that is exactly what we see in the Philippines. Faith, embodied in a culture, manifesting in popular piety. A faith that arrived and was received here 503 years ago, which has penetrated the culture, the minds, the hearts, the history of the Filipino nation,” he added,” Brown said that popular piety can also be a way for people to connect with the Church, and can lead them to a deeper expression of faith. "Popular piety is a manifestation of people’s connectedness to the faith. […] But popular piety can be a link, a connection to many people who may not be practicing their faith by coming to mass every Sunday but still have this wonderful, beautiful connection to the Church, and have faith,” he said. In 2022, the Vatican declared the National Shrine of Our Lady of Peace and Good Voyage as the country’s and Asia’s first international shrine. Read more: https://newsinfo.inquirer.net

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안티폴로 대성당 옆에 필리핀 특산물 가게들 많이 있어요.


저긴 주차가.....


@ 신풍노호 님에게... 주차장소가 좁은가요? 저는 걸어다녀서 주차장소는 자세히 보지는 않았거든요. 아... 그런데 옆에 맥도널드 있는 건물 지하나 그 주변에 주차장 있지 않나요? 예전에 친구가 거기쯤에 자동차 주차하는 것 같던데요.


@ AnnoDomini 님에게... 인구가 계속 늘어나다 보니까.... 특히 일요일은 주변에 주차하기가 힘들어요 차도 엄청 막히고..


@ 신풍노호 님에게... 아.. 그렇군요. ㅋ 안티폴로에 사람들이 참 많이 사는 것 같아요. 인구가 많아보여요. 예전에 안티폴로쪽에 살아서 안티폴로 시장이랑 대성당 주위에 자주 갔었어요. 그런데 배낭을 뒤로 메고 안티폴로 성당에서 숍와이즈 방향으로 걸어가다가 배낭속에 있는 작은지갑을 소매치기 당했었어요. 다행히 돈이 많이 들어있는 큰지갑은 가방 안쪽에 있어서 괜챦았어요. 그 후로 배낭은 꼭 앞으로 메고 다녀요. 10년쯤 전인데 그때도 그쪽에 시장들이 많고, 사람들도 많아서 소매치기들이 많았는데 지금은 어떤지 궁금하네요..

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