BI, 사기혐의로 수배중인 신만승 (54세) 체포

신만승(54세) Sin Man Seung(54) BI 인터폴에 따르면 신만승은 사기 혐의로 기소된 뒤 지난 2월 24일 대구지법으로부터 구속영장을 발부받았습니다. 한국 당국은 신만승이 2018년 10월부터 2019년 7월까지 피해자에게 원금 상환 외에 10%의 이자를 약속하며 카지노 사업에 투자하도록 유인했다고 주장했습니다. 그러나 신만승은 약속을 어기고 피해자에게 8억2천만 원, 약 60만 달러에 가까운 돈을 속인 뒤 필리핀으로 도피했습니다.

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WANTED KOREAN FRAUDSTER ARRESTED AT NAIA - BI Bureau of Immigration (BI) officers at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA) arrested another South Korean national who is a wanted fugitive from justice in his country. In a statement, Immigration Commissioner Norman Tansingco identified the passenger as Sin Man Seung, 54, who was intercepted at the NAIA terminal 1 afternoon of June 21 while he was about to board a Philippine Airlines flight to Busan, South Korea. Tansingco said Sin was stopped from leaving after his name prompted a positive hit in the BI’s Interpol system while being processed at the immigration departure counter. He was then referred to the immigration supervisors on duty who verified and established that the passenger and the person who is a subject of the Interpol hit are one and the same person. The Korean was subsequently turned over to personnel the BI’s border control and intelligence unit (BCIU) who then brought him to the bureau’s warden facility in Taguig City where he is detained pending deportation proceedings. Tangsingco said that aside from being on the Interpol’s wanted list, Sin is also in the BI’s watchlist of foreigners who have been charged with deportation cases for being undesirable aliens. “We will deport him to Korea and perpetually ban him from re-entering the country by putting him in our blacklist,” the BI chief added. According to the BI-Interpol, Sin was issued an arrest warrant last February 24 by the Daegu district court after he was charged for fraud. Korean authorities alleged that between October 2018 to July 2019 Sin enticed a victim to invest in a casino business by falsely promising the latter a 10-percent interest in addition to the repayment of the principal loan. However, the Sin reneged on his promise and instead fled to the Philippines after defrauding the victim of more than 820 million won, or nearly US$600,000.

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