Pilipino Noodles

<p> &nbsp;i just want to share an interesting food, its very cheap and so easy to cook like the Korean Ramen, have you heard about the &quot;<strong>Lucky Me Beef</strong>&quot;?&nbsp; You can just buy it in Store for only P9,00 each.try it out and mix it with egg it&#39;s Masitda! <img alt="yes" height="20" src="http://www.philgo.com/res/editor/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/thumbs_up.gif" title="yes" width="20" /></p>

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I'm sure it's good but we koreans like spicy ramen any recommendation?

@ JonLee13 - for spicy i recommend Lucky me pancit canton extra hot chili flavor and mix it with Hot and spicy Century tuna try it, im sure you'll like this one.

@ katrina - Thanks pancit is delicious i'll try it out however i prefer spicy noodle with soup

저분이 뭐래요???

@ asd1124 - 럭키 미 라면 저렴하고 맛있으니 드시래요 전 개인적으로 럭키미 판싯 칸톤 엑스르라 핫 좋아합니다.^^

@ love1205 - I like that one too,try to mix it with century tuna hot and spicy hehehe

Thanks for your Lucky Me Beef. The noodles make me smack my lips appreciatively and my mouth water. I can`t wait to try it out. Many thanks to you again, Katrina.

@ 단지 - haha thanks your replied is well appreciated. if i found a new Pilipino food i will post it here :)

8페소 짜리와 6.7페소 짜리도 있습니다. ^^


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