라스피냐스에서 유대웅, 강예성씨가 붙잡힌데 이어, 김동우(49세)씨가 추가로 붙잡혔습니다. 김씨는 2년전 한국에서 6천5백만원을 빌리고 갚지 않은채 필리핀으로 도주하였다고 합니다. Kim Dong Woo, 49, was charged in court after he fled to the Philippines two years ago when he failed to pay back 65 million won he borrowed from his victim. He was arrested in Las Piñas on Monday, the Bureau of Immigration said. 참고: https://www.philstar.com/nation/2021/04/14/2090913/3-south-korea-fugitives-caught