요약, 이상훈씨는 한국에서 한 은행으로 부터, 3억5천만원의 사기를 쳐서 수배중이며, 그 이전에 전주에서 두 건의 사기를 쳐, 1999 년 필리핀으로 도망을 쳤습니다. 또한 불법적인 온라인 도박과 민다나오 광산(채굴)과 연관이 되어져 있습니다. 이민국의 Morente 씨는 이상훈씨가 20년 넘게 불법체류를 하고 있다고 발표했으며, 추방되고 블랙리스트에 오를 것이라고 말 했습니다. 원문 https://mb.com.ph/2021/08/05/bi-nabs-prolific-south-korean-fraudster-in-mindanao/ Joint operatives from the Bureau of Immigration (BI) and National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) have arrested a South Korean national wanted in his own country for large scale fraud. BI Commissioner Jaime Morente said 61-year-old Lee Sanghun was apprehended based on the request of Korean authorities that sought his extradition for defrauding a bank of 350 million won, or roughly P25 million. Lee is also wanted by a court in Jeonju district for his involvement in two bigger fraud cases worth P43 million before fleeing to the Philippines in 1999. He is also linked to illegal online gambling and mining operations in Mindanao. Morente said the fugitive has been declared an undocumented alien for staying in the country for more than 20 years. “As a fugitve he is considered an undesirable visitor and will be deported immediately and permanently banned from returning,” Morente added.