지난 12월 27일부터 1월 4일까지 스페인 마드리드에서 열린 세계 최대 규모의 국제토론대회인 세계대학토론대회에서 필리핀이 사상 처음으로 우승을 차지했습니다. 데이빗 아프리카와 토비 Leung으로 구성된 Ateneo de Manila University의 아테네오 A는 수요일 이른 결승전에서 Princeton University(미국), Tel Aviv University(이스라엘), Sofia University(불가리아)를 이겼습니다. 데이빗과 토비는 이벤트 기간 동안 유일한 아시아 대표입니다. For the first time in history, the Philippines won the World Universities Debating Championship, the largest international debate tournament, held in Madrid in Spain from Dec. 27 to Jan. 4. Ateneo de Manila University's Ateneo A, consisting of David Africa and Toby Leung, bested Princeton University (United States), Tel Aviv University (Israel), and Sofia University (Bulgaria) during the grand finals early Wednesday. Africa and Leung are the only Asian representatives during the event. Ateneo A is also the second university in Asia to win the championship after BRAC University of Bangladesh won last year. In this year's finals, contestants debated whether it's preferable to have a world where all individuals have a strong belief in Ubuntu, an African philosophy asserting that an individual's identity is shaped by their relationship with other individuals and their communities. It's sometimes translated as "I am because we are." Hadar Goldberg of Tel Aviv University, meanwhile, was named best speaker. The next "Worlds" will be held in Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam. https://philstarlife.com