Yerba Buena is an herb of the mint family. It is an aromatic plant used as herbal medicine worldwide.  예르바부에나는  박하향이 나는  허브 이다.   이것은  향기로운 방향 식물로서 , 전세계적으로  약용 식물로서 사용 되다.
Yerba Buena was first used as an ingredient in numerous cuisines. It became popular because of its distinctively strong spearmint flavor, thus making it ideal for salads. The leaves are the source of this flavor, and they may be added to viands and meals, either raw or cooked. It has also been effective to drive away rats and other rodents, because of its strong smell of mint that it emits. Thus, besides its medicinal value, it has long been recognized to have strong commercial demand due to the variety of uses that the plant have.
예르바부에나는  다수의  요리에  원료로  사용 되었다.  특징적인  강한 스페아민트 향 으로, 살라드 만드는데도  사용 되었다.  이향을  품은  예르바부엔나의 잎은    원료 그대로나, 요리 되어서  음식에  가미 되어 왔다.
예르바부엔나의 잎의  강한  향은,   쥐나, 설치류를   몰아 내는데도  사용 된다.
Yerba Buena has been consumed for centuries as tea and herbal medicine as a pain reliever (analgesic).  예르바부에나는  차 , 통증 완화제 로도   사용 되어 왔다.
In the Philippines, Yerba Buena is one of the 10 herbs endorsed by the Department of Health (DOH) as an effective alternative medicine for aches and pains.
필리핀의 DOH 에서  인정 하는  10 개의  허브 중의  하나인, 예르바부에나는   통증 등에  효과 적
As an herbal medicine, a decoction (boil leaves then strain) of Yerba Buena is effective for minor ailments such as headaches, toothaches, and joint pains. It can also relive stomachaches due to gas buildup and indigestion. The fresh and dried leaves can both be used for the decoction. And because Yerba Buena belongs to the mint family, soaking fresh leaves in a glass of water (30 to 45 minutes) makes a good and effective mouth wash for a clean, fresh smelling breath.
예르바부에나를   달인  것은,  경미한  두통, 치통, 관절통에  효과적이다.
예르바부에나 는   위장의  가스 축적 소화 불량에  기인 된  위통, 복통 을  완화  시킨다.
( 신선한  잎이나,  마른 잎 이든  탕으로  사용 되어  진다. )
1 컵의  물에 신선한 예르바부에나를  담궈 두면, ( 30~ 45 분간 )  이 물로   입안을  마우스 와쉬  하면
아주 좋으며   효과적 이다.

Yerba Buena may be used to treat:

• Arthritis  관절염
• Head aches  두통

• Tooth aches  치통

• Mouth wash  입안  청소
• Relief of intestinal gas  장내 가스 완화
• Stomach aches  위장 통증

• Indigestion  소화
• Drink as tea for general good health.  좋은 건강을 위한  티로서 마심

Preparation & Use:

• Wash fresh Yerba Buena leaves in running water. Chop to size for dried leaves, crush) and boil 2 teaspoons of leaves in a glass of water. Boil in medium heat for 15 to 20 minutes.
• As analgesic, take a cupful every 3 hours.
• For tooth aches, pound the fresh leaves, squeeze juice out and apply on a cotton ball then bite on to the aching tooth.
• Yerba buena leaves may be heated over fire and placed over the forehead for headaches.

Caution should be observed in taking this herbal medicine as it can be toxic in large doses.

너무   과하면,  독성이   있기에    주의를   요합니다.

퀴아포  church 앞에  가면,   구할수  있으며,.  강한  향으로  인해서,  마우스 와쉬 , 칫통이  있을때,  아픈 부위에  물고  있으면

도움이  되지 않을까  해서요.

집안의  방향제 로서  사용  하면    좋을것  같습니다.