Hi  ! These are the pictures of   P 6.9Million(P 6,900,000.00) Zen House  and the descriptions  are as follows:


1) It Has 5 Bedrooms 4 Toilet and Baths 2 Car Garage.

2) Floor Area is 280 square meters and is expandable to325sqm due to attic


3) First Class S hangri-la finish for all house interiors, Duco paint finish for all doors

   and cabinets.

4) 100% flood free on  the street even at the height of  the Ondoy flooding.

5)  Very good elevation from the street  level, in which it has a commanding view from the

      inside of the house.

6) Very near, walking distance to the main clubhouse which has complete sports facilities  

7)   Strong water supply from the local  water district (nawasa)


Payment Scheme:


20% Downpayment payable in 2 months to developer

80% Bank Financing


Pls Contact Ms. Ison at 0917 5835199  for queries and guidance