08 July 2013

The Bureau of Immigration (BI) reminded owners and registrars of the different schools nationwide that foreigners enrolling in their school must secure the required study permit or visa from the bureau.

BI Commissioner Ricardo A. David, Jr. warned that the Bureau will not hesitate to impose sanctions on any school that accepts a foreigner who was not issued a special study permit (SSP) or student visa with the BI.

The SSP is issued to a foreigner below 18 years old who will study in the elementary, secondary and tertiary levels or those taking up special courses of less than a year.

The BI chief also warned schools not to accept alien enrollees if their institution is not accredited by the BI to admit foreign students.

He issued the statement as large numbers of student visa applicants and school representatives continued to troop to the BI main office in Intramuros, Manila.

David disclosed that under Executive Order No. 285 which amended the guidelines for the entry and stay of foreign students in the Philippines, a school that admits an alien without a visa will be fined P 50,000 and lose its authority from the BI to accept foreign students.

As for schools not accredited by the BI that accept alien students, its administrators may be prosecuted for coddling illegal aliens.

Atty. Cris M. Villalobos, BI student desk head, said there are more than 1,300 schools and learning institutions nationwide which are authorized by the BI to accept foreign students.

He said the immigration act penalizes the act of harboring or coddling an illegal alien with a jail term of five years to 10 years and a fine of not less than P 5,000 but not more than P 10,000.

Villalobos also revealed that there are roughly 40,000 foreigners, two-thirds of whom are in elementary and high school, who are presently studying in the country.

He added that only schools accredited by the BI, Department of Education, Commission on Higher Education, Technical Education and Skills Development Authority, Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines and Federation of Accrediting agencies can accept foreign students.

SSP에 대한 오해가 있으신 분들이 있는 듯 하여, 이민국에서 나온 뉴스를 알려드립니다.

해당 뉴스는 필리핀 이민국 사이트에서 확인 하실 수 있으며,

SSP는 성인 대상이 아니라  18세 미만의 학생이 1년 미만의 특별과정(영어캠프)를 진행하는 경우에 발급된다고 하였습니다.

또한 이민국에 외국인 학생을 신고하지 않는 경우, 학교에도 경고한다고 하였습니다.

중략하고 외국인 학생을 받을 수 있는 대상은 DEPed, TESDA 및 필리핀 민강 항공기관, 학위 수여 기관 연맹 만 가능하다고 하였습니다.

이를 은닉하는 필리피노들도 5~10년 이하의 징역 혹은 5,000 ~ 10,000 페소의 벌금형에 처한다고 하였습니다. 


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