LTO에서  스페셜 번호판을 단속중에 있습니다.
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LTO와 MMDA도 잡으니 유의하세요...
벌금이 lto- 5000페소 MMDA-2500페소 랍니다.

The Land Transportation Office (LTO) has just issued an advisory for motorists to discontinue use of their commemorative license plates. The said plates have all expired as of July 31, 2013 according to the agency.

The advisory stated "As of 31 July 2013, all previous authorities to use commemorative plates have already expired. Therefore, all commemorative plates installed in motor vehicles are invalid and should no longer be displayed."
The agency has instructed all traffic authorities to apprehend motorists using expired commemorative license plates.

The use of commemorative license plates has been subject to many discussion and arguments as to its proper application and validatity. In 2010, LTO Assistant Secretary Arturo Lomibao issued Administrative Order AOL-2010-021 defining the use of such plates. The order stated "The commemorative plate shall not be superimposed over the regular plate. It shall be installed in front of a motor vehicle either at the right side or left side of the regular plate. As such the regular plate shall be maintained in the space provided for the purpose. Removal thereof shall be deemed as a violation."

Many motorists have continued to ignore the order; some motorists have went as far using plates like 'PNP-HPG', 'NBI'75', 'LTO' to intimidate traffic enforcers from apprehending them for traffic violations.