허풍쟁이라는 싸이트에서 마치 사실을 기록한것처럼 글을 올렸네요. 글의 원 출처가 Bubblews 이네요(신조어네요.. 허풍 뉴스 라고 해석하면 될까요...?)
그리고 필리핀 지질학회와 TV5는 해당 소문에 대해 자신들과는 상관 없는 헛소문이라고 밣혔습니다.

How True?: An Earthquake Alert Update 8.0 Magnitude?

Submitted by crayon88 on October 20th, 2013 – Flag this news as inappropriate Category: News

An Earthquake Alert Update 8.0 Magnitude? Is this really true? I hope it is not true and I pray that it would not happen. My cousin received a text message from our friend. She was just spreading the message to be alert. The News Update from TV 5. I am worried because this morning consecutive aftershock happen. And this afternoon when my brother dancing the aftershock comes again. In the text message stated that there is a "BLIND FAULT LINE" located in Sagbayan, Bohol. And if happen the West Valley Fault will move, the Boholanos will expect and alert for the 8.0 magnitude. Not only in Bohol but nearest cities will be also affected. I hope and pray that this text message is not true. And I am worried I don't know if my mother just joking. She told me that their flight will be delayed and move to October 26 instead of 22. She called us a while ago that there will be a typhoon in Manila this coming October 22 at 3:00 AM. I need confirmation for this. I will check the TV 5 news in youtube. And I always check my Earthquake aps the Earth is moving. There is always Aftershock happen from time to time not only here in our country but also in the other country. I hope this is not true. Please God help us and guide us.
The Text Message Content: News Update as of Oct. 20, 2013 via TV 5: PHIVOLCS reported that there is a blind fault line located in Sagbayan, Bohol. If the West Valley Fault will move, they expect all visayan especially Boholanos to prepare for the 8.0 magnitude. Let's pray for our safety guys especially those who lived in Bohol. They need our help through prayers. Chain prayers won't help. Please spread so that we will be aware of this ---------------PLEASE SPREAD I NEED CONFIRMATION ABOUT THIS Photo & Article by crayon88
해석하기도 싫지만 대충 해둔다면
2013년 10월20일자 TV5 뉴스 리포트에 의하면(오늘 일자 TV5에는 위와같은 기사는 나오지 않았습니다. TV5 웹싸이트 들어가서 전면 검색해보고 구글링도 해 보았지만 해당 관련 기사는 나온게 없습니다)) 보홀의 색바얀지역에 숨겨진 지진대가 있다는 내용이고 이 숨겨진 지진대가 서쪽 지각대와 부딛히면 진도8의 지진이 생긴다는 내용이네요. 그래서 기도보다는 보홀에 살고있는 사람들에게 널리널리 알려주자는 내용이네요.

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