제가 배우고 있고요 정말 정말 잘 가르치는 분이세요. 
데모 공짜니까 한번 들어 보세요 강추입니다.
두분이신데 이쁜 여자분으 일대일 오프라인 남자분은 온라인이세요
데모 수업 꼭 들어보시길

Name: Gary Villamero
Age: 26 years old
University Major: Mass Communication (Major in Journalism)
Polytechnic University of the Philippines

English Tutor:  Teaching Koreans for eight 8 years
Looking for: Online students and man-to man

Teaching Programs:
-Basic English conversation
-Advance Level
- TOEIC, TOEFL, OPIC and other English test
- Listening programs and speaking programs
- Reading improvement

Excellent communication skills

Contact Details:
kakaotalk: antonette03
Skype: gary.villamero
Cellphone number: 0928-22-63-671
[오후 7:55:43] Gary Villamero: ********************
[오후 7:55:45] Gary Villamero: Name: Antonette Vasquez
Age: 26 years old
University Major: Mass Communication (Major in Journalism)
Polytechnic University of the Philippines

English Tutor:  Teaching Koreans for eight 6 years
Looking for: Online students and man-to man

Teaching Programs:
-Basic English conversation
-Advance Level
- TOEIC, TOEFL, OPIC and other English test
- Listening programs and speaking programs
- Reading improvement

Excellent communication skills

Contact Details:
Cellphone number: 0910-466-2830
[ Gary Villamero: Thank you mam for your kindness