성실한 현지인 그래픽 디자이너(Graphic Arts and Design)입니다.
매우 책임감있고 실력좋은 수석 디자이너 친구를 소개합니다.
광고, 이벤트, 명함, 포스터, 초대장 등 포토샵과 관련된 모든 일을
성실하게 소화해낼 수 있습니다.
풀타임이나 아르바이트 모두 가능합니다.
한국말은 못하고 영어는 잘 합니다.
메시지, 문자, 전화 혹은 필고 쪽지 주시면 감사하겠습니다.
0933 404 0132
Hello, friend three years the same design company that is engaged
in professional work in Photoshop.
pitch itguyo not matter to investigate other companies,
very sincere and well work done responsibly.
advertising, event, business cards, posters, invitations, etc.
Photoshop You can all work associated with digesting.
Related Industry employment or part-time jobs are all available.
anglaise is not English is well.
Please call or text message, or feel free to 0933 404 0132.
Thank you^^
i'm Ram, a 19 year Old local.
I do Photoshop works, with 3 years of Experience as the Senior Graphic Artist
in a Small Company in the Philippines.
I specialize in Advertising collaterals and events paraphernalias.
ie business Cards, Tarpaulins, Posters, Invitation and Those kind of ITS.
Please feel Free to inquire and ASK for advice,
i'm Willing to work Part-time and full-time.
Thank you!
AI answer
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