한국인 납치범 나진석(36세, 남)씨 체포 Korean nabbed for kidnapping in Manila A Korean man allegedly involved in telephone fraud was arrested by the Philippine National Police (PNP) in Ermita, Manila after he abducted his compatriot who found out about his illegal business, authorities disclosed Wednesday. 보이스피싱을 하던 한국인 나진석(36세, 남)씨는 같은 한국인 김병모(19세 남)씨가 그 사실을 알자 납치를 하였습니다. Na was nabbed by the police in a condominium unit along N. Concepcion Street on Tuesday after he abducted 19-year-old Kim Byeong Mo. 경찰은 나모씨가 김씨를 납치한 후 체포를 하였습니다. According to Estomo, Kim arrived in the Philippines on Sunday, January 19, after getting offers for a job from his college senior. 경찰에 따르면 김씨는 대학 선배의 취업 추천으로 지난 19일 필리핀에 도착했습니다. Estomo said Kim was welcomed by Na and two other unidentified Koreans upon his arrival. 나씨는 김씨와 또 다른 두명의 한국인을 맞이하였습니다. However, Kim later found out that Na’s business, where the former was supposed to work, was involved in illegal transactions including telephone fraud with an aim to extort money from their victims. 하지만 김씨가 일을 하기로 한 나씨의 사업이 보이스피싱이라는 것을 알아차렸습니다. Kim then called his mother in Korea to ask for help but Na learned about the discovery of his illegal business. 김씨는 한국에 있는 어머니에게 도움을 요청하였으나 나씨가 알게되어 버렸습니다. Kim was held in a condo unit but unknown to Na, the victim’s mother already made coordinations with the Korean police to rescue her son. 김씨는 한 콘도미니엄에 갇히게 되었으나 김씨의 어머니가 이미 경찰에 신고를 한 것을 몰랐습니다. Estomo said Korean Police Liaison Chief Inspector Hyosang Kwon and Jinsu Choi from the Embassy of the Republic of Korea sought assistance from the PNP AKG Luzon Field Unit (LFU) to trace and launch a rescue operation for Kim on Tuesday morning. 이후 한국 경찰은 필리핀 경찰에게 도움을 요청하여 김씨를 구조 할 수 있었습니다.