JUST IN: Four staff from the Office of the Vice President tested positive for COVID-19; VP Leni Robredo tested negative—OVP spokesman Barry Gutierrez. https://twitter.com/PhilstarNews/status/1284784707394105344 4 OVP employees test positive for COVID-19, Robredo free from virus The Office of the Vice President (OVP) has suspended work after four of its staff who were engaged in its COVID-19 response operations tested positive for coronavirus. “Following our safety protocols, office work was immediately suspended, and testing was done for concerned OVP personnel working at the office or deployed in the field, including Vice President Leni Robredo,” her spokesperson Barry Gutierrez said on Sunday. 이하생략 https://mb.com.ph/2020/07/19/4-ovp-employees-test-positive-for-covid-19-robredo-free-from-virus/ 필리핀 레니 로브레도 부통령 사무실에서 4명의 확진자가 발생하여 레니 로브레도 부통령은 직무를 중단했으며 부통령은 코로나 테스트 결과 음성 이라고 그의 대변인은 밝혔다. 필리핀 당국은 방역을 위해 접촉자들을 추적하고 있다.