LTFRB gives go signal for 1,943 jeepneys to resume operations MANILA, Philippines — An additional 1,943 passenger jeepneys will return to the streets starting Wednesday, July 29, to ply 17 new routes across Metro Manila, the Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board (LTFRB) said on Monday. This brings to 7,945 the jeepneys that have been allowed to resume operations, or around 14 percent of the 55,000 registered in the National Capital Region, and the number of available jeepney routes to 66. 이하생략 필리핀 육상교통위원회는 29일부터 약 2천여대(1,943대)의 지프니 운행을 추가허가. 메트로마닐라에는 약 8천여대(7,945대)의 지프니가 운행 됩니다.