Post List
Forum: post_id: freetalk, category: , page: 2399
- 126981 -[영어속담] Ill news comes apace (0) (1302420784)
- 126982 -[영어속담] It is a long road that has no turning (0) (1302420784)
- 126983 -[영어속담] It is all in a day’s work (0) (1302420784)
- 126984 -[영어속담] It is an ill wind that blows nobody any good (0) (1302420784)
- 126985 -[영어속담] It is better to travel hopefully than to arrive (0) (1302420784)
- 126975 -[영어속담] He that is down need fear no fall (0) (1302420783)
- 126976 -[영어속담] Health is not valued till sickness comes (0) (1302420783)
- 126977 -[영어속담] Hope springs eternal in the human breast (0) (1302420783)
- 126978 -[영어속담] If it were not for hope the heart would break (0) (1302420783)
- 126979 -[영어속담] If the mountain will not go to Muhammed, then Muhammed must go to the mountain (0) (1302420783)
- 126980 -[영어속담] If wishes were horses, beggars would ride (0) (1302420783)
- 126969 -[영어속담] Fortune favours those who use their judgement (0) (1302420782)
- 126970 -[영어속담] Fortune knocks once at everyone’s door (0) (1302420782)
- 126971 -[영어속담] God made the country; man made the town (0) (1302420782)
- 126972 -[영어속담] God never sends mouths but he sends meat (0) (1302420782)
- 126973 -[영어속담] Good wine needs no bush (0) (1302420782)
- 126974 -[영어속담] Happy is the nation that has no history (0) (1302420782)
- 126963 -[영어속담] Fingers were made before forks (0) (1302420781)
- 126964 -[영어속담] Fire is a good servant but a bad master (0) (1302420781)
- 126965 -[영어속담] First impressions are most lasting (0) (1302420781)
- 126966 -[영어속담] Forbidden fruit is sweetest (0) (1302420781)
- 126967 -[영어속담] Fortune favours fools (0) (1302420781)
- 126968 -[영어속담] Fortune favours the brave (0) (1302420781)
- 126958 -[영어속담] Exchange in no robbery (0) (1302420780)
- 126959 -[영어속담] Experience is the best teacher (0) (1302420780)
- 126960 -[영어속담] Experience must be bought (0) (1302420780)
- 126961 -[영어속담] Extremes are dangerous (0) (1302420780)
- 126962 -[영어속담] Findings are keepings (0) (1302420780)
- 126940 -[영어속담] Beggars’ bags are bottomless (0) (1302420777)
- 126941 -[영어속담] Better be born lucky than wise (0) (1302420777)
- 126942 -[영어속담] Blood is thicker than water (0) (1302420777)
- 126935 -[영어속담] Among the blind the one-eyed man is king (0) (1302420776)
- 126936 -[영어속담] An apple a day keeps the doctor away (0) (1302420776)
- 126937 -[영어속담] An army marches on its stomach (0) (1302420776)
- 126938 -[영어속담] An ounce of luck is better than a pound of wisdom (0) (1302420776)
- 126939 -[영어속담] Beauty is but skin-deep (0) (1302420776)
- 126929 -[영어속담] After a storm comes a calm (0) (1302420775)
- 126930 -[영어속담] All is fish that comes to the net (0) (1302420775)
- 126931 -[영어속담] All roads lead to Rome (0) (1302420775)
- 126932 -[영어속담] All that glitters is not gold (0) (1302420775)