Learn English the Fast & Easy way with Native English Speakers from Califorina

<p><img src="data/upload/2/968282" alt="20130317_193546.jpg" /><img src="data/upload/4/968284" alt="1383986567192.jpg" /><br /><br />Hello My name is Teacher Melody, I have an American Homestay In Angeles City, Clark, PampangaFor each month My American Homestay charges P45,000, and that is for 3 hours English ClassTutorials 1 on 1, Monday-Friday with Native Engish Teachers, Internet, Electricity, Water, 3 meals per day,a bedroom with a strong aircon.&nbsp; l live in a safe neighborhood with security guards in the village, the food that we provide is Korean, American, Chinese, Mexican, Italian, and Filipino food. You will also experience 24 hour conversational English with 2 Native English speakers where you live together with.&nbsp; If you would like to see my homestay you can schedule a meeting<strong> 09178535513</strong> we hope to hear from you soon, my cafe is&nbsp;<a href="http://cafe.daum.net/american-homestay"><strong>http://cafe.daum.net/american-homestay</strong></a> please visit us anytime^^ ~필리핀에있는미국인홈스테이입니다. 미국인부부와함께생활하며하루에 1:1 개인수업 3시간을받으며영어를배우는곳입니다.</p> <p>영어권국가보다상대적으로저렴한필리핀에서미국인과함께거주하며생활영어를이기고, 하루에세시간일대일수업과추가수업을받음으로써,&nbsp;영어권국가에서영어연수하는만큼, 어쩜더많은시간을영어에노출되는환경을접하실수있습니다.</p> <p>&nbsp;멜로디와조미국인부부는 10년동안한국인학생들에게영어를가르쳐왔으며, 한국인학생들이가장부족한부분인스피킹실력향상에중점을두고있습니다. 배우고자하는학생이라면나이에상관없이열정적으로가르치시는분들입니다. 두분모두매우사교적이고친절하기때문에, 외국인에게부끄러워말을잘못하는학생들일지라도쉽게다가가실수있으실것입니다.</p> <p>&nbsp;영어를사용할수밖에없는미국인홈스테이에서, 이번영어연수를준비하시는것을도와드리겠습니다.</p> <p><strong>*</strong><strong>수업</strong></p> <p>&nbsp;-미국인선생님과 1 대 1 수업 3시간(월~금) &nbsp;-수준에맞는교재와회화중심으로수업진행, (영어공인시험수업가능:IELTS,TOEFL,TOIEC) &nbsp;-멜로디강사: 스피킹,발음교정,expressions 표현, writing중심, modern day idioms, vocabulary, Intonation, and have experience beginner, intermediate, as well as advanced students &nbsp;-&nbsp;조강사: 문법, 비즈니스영어중심 reading, writing, listening, speaking</p> <p>&nbsp; <strong>* </strong><strong>추가수업</strong>추가로 1:1 수업을더원하실경우추가수업비를지불하시고수업을하실수Hello My name is Teacher Melody, I have an American Homestay In Angeles City, Clark, Pampanga For each month My American Homestay charges P45,000, and that is for 3 hours English ClassTutorials 1 on 1, Monday-Friday with Native Engish Teachers, Internet, Electricity, Water, 3 meals per day,a bedroom with a strong aircon.&nbsp; l live in a safe nei</p> <p>&nbsp;-멜로디&amp;조강사에게추가수업을받으시는경우: 350페소 (시간당) &nbsp;-멜로디&amp;조를제외한다른미국인강사에게추가수업을받으시는경우: 500페소(시간당) &nbsp;-필리핀강사에게추가수업을받으시는경우: 200페소(시간당)</p> <p>&nbsp; <strong>* </strong><strong>홈스테이</strong><strong>환경</strong> -하루 3식(양식+한식), 청소, 빨래&nbsp;제공 : 1명혹은 2명의가정부상주 -무선인터넷, 케이블TV, 에어컨등각종편의시설완비 -매달 1회미국인강사와함께하는바베큐파티, 수영, 여행등다양한야외활동 (홈스테이사진참고)</p> <p>&nbsp; <strong>*</strong><strong>홈스테이비</strong></p> <p>- 45000페소(1달기준) : 미국인강사멜로디께매달수업비를직접페소로주시면됩니다. - 미성년자, 1달미만거주자, 혹은&nbsp;1인 1실을원하시는분은홈스테이비가변경될수있으니문의바랍니다.</p> <p><strong>* </strong><strong>문의</strong></p> <p>-멜로디(Melody) - 미국인홈스테이강사 -연락처: 09178535513 (필리핀에서전화하실경우) -이메일 : <a href="mailto:melody5513@yahoo.com">melody5513@yahoo.com</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<strong>다음카페</strong><strong>아이디가</strong><strong>아닌</strong><strong>&nbsp;</strong><strong>야후</strong><strong>이메일로</strong><strong>연락</strong><strong>주세요</strong><strong>!</strong><strong>&nbsp;</strong> we only accept up to 3 students at one time</p> <p>&nbsp;<img src="data/upload/9/968279" alt="Photo-0077.jpg" /><img src="data/upload/0/968280" alt="home5.jpg" /><br /><br />&nbsp;kakaotalk id Melody5513</p>

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