Home Cleaning Services
<p>Feeling stress for everyday work and don’t have time to tidy your mess? Be stress free and feel a pleasing ambiance with your place.</p> <p>JYP Janitorial Services offers professional and quality cleaning for your place (apartments & condominiums). We assure you that we render service heartedly with our hardworking, trustworthy and dedicated cleaners. We render Basic Cleaning & General cleaning with extensive tidying of your residence. You don’t have to worry for we will provide all the cleaning materials. Service charge will vary depending on the floor size of your unit.</p> <p>For scheduling and inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact us at 984-4680 or 0936-242-9816!<img src="data/upload/7/1430347" alt="JYP JANITORIAL ADS.jpg" /></p>
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