올티가스 튜터 한국선생님 찾습니다. (1)
안녕하세요. 올티가스 저녁7시 이후 튜터 가능하신 한국선생님 찾습니다. 하루 1시간에서 2시간 정도 수업을 원하며 주 3일정도는 수업을 할수 있으면 좋겠습니다. 금액부분은 최대한 맞춰드리겠습니다. 쪽지로 카카오톡 아이디 남겨주시면 메세지 보내겠습니다. 감사합니다.
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안녕하세요. 올티가스 저녁7시 이후 튜터 가능하신 한국선생님 찾습니다. 하루 1시간에서 2시간 정도 수업을 원하며 주 3일정도는 수업을 할수 있으면 좋겠습니다. 금액부분은 최대한 맞춰드리겠습니다. 쪽지로 카카오톡 아이디 남겨주시면 메세지 보내겠습니다. 감사합니다.
Good day! We are from Chungdahm Philippines, a Makati-based ESL company catering to Korean, Chinese, and Japanese learners. Our company has been operating since 2008, and just like any other organization, Chungdahm is currently in the phase of growing by expanding our accounts. We are sending this message in our hope that you might be interested in joining our dynamic company and being part of our roster of special ESL teachers. Right now, we are in URGENT NEED of additional 100 FULL-TIME OFFICE-BASED SPECIAL TEACHERS. Below are the benefits that we offer: • Php 17,000 - PhP 30,000 salary • Training Allowance • SIGNING BONUS: PhP 10,000 • FREE ACCOMMODATION (for those residing outside and northern part of Metro Manila) • Regularization bonus • Perfect Attendance Incentive • Best Tutor Incentive • Best Team Leader Incentive • Best Team Incentive • Performance Incentive • Workload Incentive • NON-TAXABLE allowances • HMO benefit upon regularization • DEPENDING ON YOUR QUALIFICATIONS & WORK PERFORMANCE, YOU MAY GET UP TO 30,000 RANGE OF SALARY! Here are the requirements: • Full time: 2:00 PM- 11:00 PM • Male or female; 18 years old and above • Bachelor's/College Degree holder, any field • ESL experience is an advantage but not required • Has passion for teaching with positive work attitude • Good English communication skills (oral and written) • Willing to work in Makati Text us or email your resume to get an interview schedule! Email : recruitment@chungdahm.com.ph Globe : (0917) 634-8130 / (0917) 828-4483 Landline : (02) 822-7988 Facebook: www.facebook.com/ChungdahmPH/ Website: www.chungdahm.com.ph