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라구나 호수 (Laguna de Bay) 오염 심각!!!! (7)

라구나 호수 오염 심각!!!! 오염이 생각보다 심각 하다고 함다!!!!! 해석~~ 맨 아래 Laguna de Bay is the largest lake in the Philippines and third largest freshwater lake in Southeast Asia. It is surrounded by the provinces of Laguna and Rizal, and also Metro Manila (Pasig, Taguig and Muntinlupa). It is around 76,000 hectares and has a volume of 3.2 billion cubic meters. The lake is an important source for fishing, for irrigation and for domestic water needs; it is also a temporary reservoir. It is used as a transport route but still can be further developed. The lake used to be bluish green but in the recent decades it has become muddy brown. If Boracay can be saved in a jiffy, I don’t see why Laguna de Bay can’t be saved as well. Efforts have been made but seem to be too slow. The lake is dying. Urbanization, industrial development and deforestation of its watershed have extremely stressed the ecosystem which urgently needs rehabilitation. Last year, Maricar Cinco, a news correspondent wrote about pollution, squatting, and industries as major factors that hasten the death of Laguna de Bay. In her report she cited how the water of Laguna de Bay in the 1980s was good for swimming and fishing. Today, Laguna de Bay has become a public hazard. According to the report, in 2009, Typhoon “Ondoy” left Laguna de Bay filled to the brim, with the water level rising to 13.9 meters (the normal being 10 meters). This left the towns and cities in the provinces of Laguna, Rizal and Metro Manila flooded for months. What did the government do? Then President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo made the rehabilitation of Laguna de Bay a “presidential priority.” Toward the end of her term, she entered into a P18.5 billion lake rehabilitation project with a Belgian company, Baggerwerken Decloedt en Zoon. The project was supposed to cover the dredging of the 7-kilometer Napindan Channel, which is the lake’s only outlet to Manila Bay, dredging of a 70-km nautical channel, construction of 12 ferry stations, and rehabilitation of wetlands around the lake. Sadly, the bidding for the project failed when the pre-qualified bidders – Trident Infrastructure and Development Corp. (composed of Ayala Land Inc., Megaworld Corp., Aboitiz Equity Ventures Inc. and SM Prime Holdings Inc.), and San Miguel Holdings Corp. and Alloy Pavi Hanshin LLEDP Consortium backed out. As a result, not one flood control structure was built. Susmariosep! In 2014, Architect and Urban Planner Felino A. Palafox Jr. wrote about his vision of Laguna de Bay, “The lake is located along Metro Manila, Laguna and Rizal provinces, parts of Batangas, Cavite and Quezon…Laguna Lake is the main source of water, fish, aquaculture, agriculture food commodities, and industrial raw materials and manufactured goods. Furthermore, according to the 2005 census of NSO, the lake has a watershed population of 13.2 million. Immortalized in the artwork of Amorsolo and in the poetry of Jose Rizal, the Laguna de Bay and its surrounding environs claim an important position in our nation’s collective memory. However, its beauty and significance to the Filipinos are not simply a thing of the past; indeed Laguna de Bay is a living lake which continues to nourish this nation, providing water for us to drink as well as much food to our tables. Storms, typhoons, rains, floodwaters, mud, silt, pollution, deforestation, illegal logging in uplands, abuse of the lake, and the rapid urban expansion, generally growing outwards from the Metro Manila area towards the Laguna Lake region greatly affect Laguna de Bay and its environs. The Calabarzon sub-region (the area which the lake occupies) now houses 15 percent of the nation’s population as it has become the catch basin to Metro Manila’s population and urbanization over-spill. The possible consequences of this rapid swelling of population include a food and water shortage, the increase of traffic congestion and environmental degradation. Despite rapid urbanization and suburbanization, Laguna de Bay still flourishes as a center for agricultural and aquacultural activities. These activities include the growing of rice, animal husbandry, duck-raising, fishing and fish farming. Laguna de Bay has a production capacity of Manila’s freshwater fish. Further pollution of the lake poses a major threat to this significant food supply. Another resource threatened by continued pollution is the water itself. This is perhaps one of the most critical issues facing our nation, as it is quite simple to understand that water is the lifeblood of any human settlement… Laguna de Bay serves as perhaps the single most important potential future source of potable water for the Manila Bay Metropolitan Region and Calabarzon. Because of its strategic location, the lake has many water transport potentials. The most accessible and most commonly used thoroughfare is the South Luzon Expressway (SLE). Traffic is bottlenecked at SLE, though this serves as the main route for vehicles going to and from the South, Calabarzon to Metro Manila…” In his first State of the Nation Address, President Duterte said he wanted issues on watershed destruction, land conversion and pollution in Laguna de Bay stopped. What is the DENR doing? Hasn’t it been a year since the clearing operation of Laguna de Bay started? Why are there still many fish pens around? Wake up DENR! Get your act together. Don’t be fooled by your own directors and officers. Action turned into environmental improvements will always speak louder than words. 빡침 해석~~~ 인재 이를 어쩔겨??? 더 늦기전 공무원들아!!! 지발 일좀 똑바로 하자!!!.. 그러다 우덜 다 뒤진다!!!

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@ 크산티페 님에게... 세종보 수문열고 녹조가 더 심해져서 환경부는 수문열고 세종시는 입시로 자갈같은걸로 수문 막아다고 하네요


항상 보면 오염시키는 사람 따로, 청소하는 사람 따로.. 주장하는 사람 따로, 해법 만드는 사람 따로 입으로 떠드는 사람 따로,,, 몸으로 행동하는 사람 따로


@ 강하게 님에게... 저희나라가 유독그런건가요 환경뿐만아니라 다른것도 다그래요.. ㅠ


@ despasito 님에게... 우리나라뿐 아니라 인간 사는 곳이 다 그렇겠지요.. 도둑 따로, 경찰따로... 때론 경찰이 도둑을 겸하는 일도 있는 나라가 있긴 하지만요... 환경 문제는 답이 없는 것 같아요.. 제 경우도 되도록이면 깔끔 떤다고 하면서도 어쩌다 보면 쓰레기 그냥 버리는 모습을 발견하니까요.. 그게 미안해서 길가다 쓰레기 보이면 가능한 주워서 쓰레기 버리는 곳이나 비닐 봉지에 모아 버리는 이중적인 행동을 하기도 하지만요.. 라구나호수 쓰레기 오염 보면서 4대강 라떼가 자연스레 연상되는 거 보니,, 저도 한국인이긴 한가 봅니다


@ 강하게 님에게... 4대강 라떼가 문제가 아니라 이번처럼 기나긴 가뭄과 폭염으로 물부족사태를 겪어야 정상일텐데 그나마 수문과 보가 있었기 때문에 버틴겁니다. 10월께나 수문을 다시 연다고 하지요? 이런 코메디가 있나..ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 아마도 사람들은 지금도 4대강 수문을 시원하게 열어놓고 있는줄 알겁니다. 아니 관심이나 있으려나...ㅋㅋㅋㅋ


거기서 자란 틸라피아를 여기사람들은 어첨 먹고있다는 모순,,,,


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