5 Cats 1 Bed

My love of my life Noh..Nia..Bop..Cha..Lele For level 3 post

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오~!!털문양이 완전 멋집니다... 치타 동생ㄷ.ㄹ같음...

@ 헉스@네이버-15 님에게... 내가 죽으면 벵갈이 될 거야 하하


@ 초보아빵 님에게... yes correct

사랑스럽네요~~ 고양이는 사랑입니다

@ killkai 님에게... Thank you!

이게 뱅갈고양이군요. 몸의 무늬가 상당히 멋 있습니다.

@ Jason Choi@구글-ru 님에게... yes..i love it..the patterns are called "rosette" because it looks like a rose there are many types of bengals though. Bop is charcoal..means black fur Lele..is snow..coz almost like white tiger the rest are brown/golden-brown There are many patterns too. Swirl and Spotted

아우.... !!! 저 털들은 어떻게 감당하시는지....

@ Sengwhan 님에게... ..housekeeper + vacuum cleaner kkk

@ uandy 님에게... hahaha..... me too. i have 3cat. every morning and evening cleaning my self using vacuum cleaner...

@ Sengwhan 님에게... When I was in France, I had about 26 cats kkkkk I volunteered in a vet shop during weekends.

Good day - 오늘 활동량이 좋네요, 고양이 잘보고 갑니다.

@ 사탄 님에게... omg..why did i get back to level 1?

@ uandy 님에게... Good day - 새로운 글을 작성하면 너의 포인트가 줄어든다. 다른사람의 게시글에 댓글을 달아라. 너는 많은포인트를 얻을것이다.

@ uandy 님에게... i deleted a wrong comment..so..huu..I don't know how these works

@ uandy 님에게... omg.... many points are used to delete comments. XD.... haynaku....kawawa...

@ 사탄 님에게... sigh........back to 0

@ uandy 님에게... Good day - comment on posts written by others. you can get a lot of points. comment on other people's posts. plz....

@ 사탄 님에게... so hot..am dying

5cassh 1bed

진짜 멋진 고양이들이네요 ~~


한마리가넘어가면 두배세배노력이 들어가던데 다섯마리나~대단하시네요

세부에서 키우시는거에요?? 멋지네요

@ baniliad 님에게... not now..in Bacolod, my hometown..I will bring one baby when I come back. :)

야성적으로 보이네요

노니야 밥 차릴래 ㅋㅋ 고양이들 이름이 재미있네요^^

ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 노니야밥차릴래

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