권혁래(55세 남) 살인교사 혐의로 체포. 그외 한국인 두명 체포. (6)
권혁래(55세 남)씨는 자신을 기소한 사람을 살해하도록 교사한 혐의로 앙헬레스에서 체포되었습니다. 박익수(40세, 남)씨는 2천2백만원을 사기친 혐의로 부산에서 수배되었는데, 라구나의 산타로사에서 체포되었습니다. 백현기(49세, 남)씨는 3백만페소를 사긴친 혐의로 마닐라 말라테의 호텔에서 체포되었습니다. 원문: https://news.mb.com.ph/2020/02/07/immigration-arrests-3-wanted-koreans/ The Bureau of Immigration (BI) has arrested three Koreans wanted for various crimes by authorities in South Korea. Immigration Commissioner Jaime Morente said the fugitives were arrested recently in Pampanga, Laguna, and Metro Manila by operatives from the bureau’s fugitive search unit (FSU). Morente said two of the Koreans are wanted for fraud while the other one is charged with instigating the murder of a fellow Korean. All three Koreans are detained at the BI detention facility in Camp Bagong Diwa, Taguig while awaiting deportation. The first of the fugitives to fall, identified as 55-year-old Kwon Houkrae, was arrested in Angeles City last Jan. 23. Authorities alleged that sometime in September 2015 Kwon hired a group of hitmen to murder a compatriot prompting a Korean court to issue an arrest warrant against him. That same day, a separate team of FSU operatives collared 40-year-old Park Iksu in Sta. Rosa, Laguna. Park is subject of a warrant issued by a district court in Busan, South Korea where he was charged with fraud for swindling a fellow Korean of 22 million yen or US$18,400 in a business transaction. Last Jan. 27, FSU operatives arrested 49-year-old Bak Hyeon Gi inside his hotel room in Malate, Manila. Bak is also wanted for fraud for allegedly receiving P3 million from a fellow Korean in return for facilitating the issuance of a court restraining order in his favor.# The suspect, who allegedly claimed he has strong connections with powerful officials failed to deliver on his promise after getting the money from the victims.
저런 놈들이 득시글거리니 한국에서 필리핀이라는 나라를 한국범죄자들의 은신처 정도로 폄훼하는 것입니다. 필리핀을 사랑하는 한 사람으로서 너무나 속이 상합니다.
답답한 세상 입니다 무서운 세상 ~
싸그리 잡아 보내길~~~~~
그런데 어떻게 숨어 있는줄 알고 잡힐까요?? 이민국이 어떻게 알고??? ㅋㅋ
한국에서 잡히듯 하네요
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