세부막탄 차량코딩 질문을 하려다가 제가 올립니다
이번에 GCQ로 바뀌면서 차량코딩 관련해서 어떤 변화가 있는지 궁금해서 질문을 올리려다가 검색하고 교민분들도 보시라고 올립니다. 내용은 아래와 같은데 번역해서 설명드리면 차량코딩은 그대로 시행됩니다. 차량번호 끝번호에 따라... 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 (홀수) 는 월,수,금 에 이동가능 단, 일요일은 오전12시부터 정오12시까지 2, 4, 6, 8, 0 (짝수) 는 화,목,토 에 이동가능 단, 일요일은 정오12시부터 밤12시까지 위 방법으로 진행된다고 합니다. 이동은 생필품사로 가고 이런건 허용하는데 .. 놀러나가고 여행지가고 이런건 불허라고 합니다. 참내 레저를 못하니 답답하네요 애구 아래는 영어 원본 설명이구요. ALLOWED NOT ALLOWED – Individuals not below 21 y/o and not above 60 y/o (Curfew: 10PM-5AM) – Malls (non-leisure only) – Buying and selling of alcoholic beverages – Public transpo: Buses, jeepneys, v-hires, taxis, Grab at 50% capacity and strict physical distancing – Private transpo: All private vehicles are allowed but must follow Number Coding Scheme – More business sectors; returning employees may present company ID or COE – Barbershops & Salons starting June 7 (basic cutting services only) – Non-contact outdoor activities: Jogging, Biking, Golf, Swimming, Skateboarding – Individuals under 21 y/o and above 60 y/o; individuals with health conditions and pregnant women – Movement or travel for leisure purposes – Mass gathering (Parties, Convention, Mass) – Gyms, Sports Facilities, Cinemas, Karaoke – Travel and tourist spots – Personal care (massage, facial, sauna) – Internet cafes, Libraries, Amusement centers ✔ Quarantine Pass is still required for non-workers; employees may present Company ID or Certificate of Employment (COE) ✔ Mandatory wearing of face masks ✔ Number coding scheme for vehicles ✔ Border control and checkpoints (Must present vehicle/quarantine pass or company ID/COE) Number coding scheme: Mon, Wed, Fri Tue, Thu, Sat Sun Cebu City Ending in: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 (ODD) Ending in: 2, 4, 6, 8, 0 (EVEN) 12:00AM-11:59AM (ODD) 12:00NN-11:59PM (EVEN) Mandaue City Ending in: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 (ODD) Ending in: 2, 4, 6, 8, 0 (EVEN) 12:00AM-11:59AM (ODD) 12:00NN-11:59PM (EVEN) Lapu-Lapu City Ending in: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 (ODD) Ending in: 2, 4, 6, 8, 0 (EVEN) 5:01AM-11:59AM (ODD) 12:00NN-9:59PM (EVEN) NOTE: Numbers above refer to the last number of the vehicle’s plate number.
영문원본은 https://sugbo.ph/2020/gcq-guidelines-in-cebu/ 위 링크를 보세요. 복사했는데 내용이 뒤죽박죽으로 보이는 게 있네요.