필리핀 홀리 위크 Philippines Holy Week 2024 (5)
2024년 홀리 위크(Holy Week)는 2024년 3월 24일 일요일에 시작되어 2024년 3월 30일 토요일(6일 후)에 끝납니다. 필리핀의 홀리 위크(Holy Week)는 부활절 전 주간으로, 필리핀에서 매년 열리는 가장 중요한 종교 행사 중 하나입니다. 이는 예수 그리스도가 십자가에 못박혀 죽었다가 부활하신 부활절을 기념하는 기간으로, 신앙심이 깊은 필리핀인들에게는 매우 소중한 시기입니다. 필리핀에서는 홀리 위크 기간 동안 많은 종교 행사와 음악회, 퍼레이드 등이 열리며, 기독교인의 신앙심을 깊이 되새기는 시기로 여겨집니다. 특히 금요일인 석식 스쿼어(Black Friday)는 예수 그리스도의 십자가에서의 고통을 기리는 특별한 날입니다. 이 기간 동안 필리핀은 전례없이 조용하고 순수한 기운이 가득한 곳이 됩니다. 필리핀에서는 홀리 위크 동안 수많은 신자들이 성당이나 성지를 찾아다니며 종교적인 의식에 참여하고, 겜블링이 금지되어 있는 일주일간 휴식을 취하기도 합니다. 뿐만 아니라 많은 가족들이 함께 모여 식사를 하거나 여행을 떠나는 등 여가활동을 즐기기도 합니다. 종교와 문화적인 의미가 깊은 필리핀의 홀리 위크는 필리핀인들에게 중요한 시기로 여겨지며, 관광객들에게도 독특한 경험을 제공해주는 특별한 날입니다.
When is Holy Week 2024? Holy Week 2024 starts on Sunday, March 24, 2024 (today) and ends on Saturday, March 30th 2024 (in 6 days). Holy Week is a religious festival observed by Christians around the world, including in the Philippines. It is a week-long celebration that commemorates the final week of Jesus Christ's life, including his crucifixion on Good Friday and his resurrection on Easter Sunday. In the Philippines, Holy Week is a very important and solemn time for many Filipinos. It is a time for reflection, prayer, and repentance. Many people take part in religious processions, attend church services, and participate in activities such as the reenactment of the Stations of the Cross. During Holy Week, many businesses and public services may be closed or have limited hours, as it is a time for families to come together and observe religious traditions. It is also a popular time for Filipinos to travel to their hometowns or to popular vacation spots, so it is important for those visiting the Philippines during Holy Week to be aware of any changes in schedules or services.
What to do this long weekend: Pray, contemplate, and repent this 2024 Holy Week by visiting different churches and religious landmarks. Are tourist spots open during Holy Week? Some tourist spots in the Philippines may have varying schedules during Holy Week. Usually, locals visit Philippine churches and go on pilgrimage tours for Visita Iglesia. Although some attractions or tourist spots are closed during this long holiday season, there are still Holy Week destinations you can visit, like Pampanga, Bataan, Cebu, and Zamboanga. It's advisable to check with specific attractions for their operating hours and any special arrangements. Tourist spots will most likely be closed on Good Friday, but the majority will reopen on Easter Sunday. Are there tours during Holy Week? It varies. Some tour operators may offer tours during Holy Week, but availability might be limited. Usually, tour operators don’t run activities during Good Friday, but will most likely be back to regular operations on Easter Sunday. There are pilgrimage tours for Visita Iglesia and tours in Holy Week destinations. It's recommended to inquire in advance and check for any adjustments to tour schedules. Are malls open during Holy Week? Mall schedules during Holy Week can vary. Some malls adjust their operating hours, and others might close on Good Friday. It's advisable to check with individual malls for their specific Holy Week operating hours. You can check the malls' Facebook pages and news reports. Are there restaurants open this Holy Week? Some restaurants may remain open during Holy Week, but others might have reduced hours or be closed on certain days, especially during Good Friday. Many news outlets feature lists of restaurants that are open in the Holy Week. You may check with individual restaurants for their Holy Week schedules. Is Intramuros open on Holy Week? The Intramuros Administration usually posts updates and schedules on their website or pages about their Holy Week schedules. Most churches in and nearby Intramuros are open for pilgrims and tourists. However, there are usually road closures along General Luna Street for Holy Week activities and Visita Iglesia. It's recommended to check with the administration or relevant authorities for specific opening hours and any special arrangements. Are banks open on Holy Week? Banks typically have adjusted schedules during Holy Week, with some branches closing on certain days, especially during Good Friday. Check with individual banks for their specific Holy Week operating hours, or you may visit their official website and Facebook page for announcements. Because it’s a long weekend, expect that ATMs will not have enough cash for withdrawals. It is advisable to schedule your bank transactions before the Holy Week. Are bars open on Holy Week? Some bars during Holy Week may remain open, while others might have adjusted schedules or be closed on certain days. Usually, there will be announcements about liquor ban in some places in the Philippines, so most bars will be closed during this time. Checking with individual establishments is recommended. Are stores open on Holy Week? Some stores may be closed during Holy Week or may vary. Some stores may remain open, especially in larger cities, while others might close or have adjusted schedules. Stores will usually announce their operating hours before Holy Week, so it's best to stay updated and check with their admins. Is SM open on Holy Week? SM malls usually announce their Holy Week schedules ahead of time. They may have adjusted schedules, with some branches closing on certain days. SM Malls within Metro Manila are usually closed on Maundy Thursday and Good Friday, but may still vary. News outlets also post a list of malls that are closed and operating during Holy Week. It's recommended to check with specific SM malls for their Holy Week operating hours and be updated with the latest news. Why is Holy Week important to Filipinos? Holy Week is a significant religious observance to Filipinos as it commemorates the passion, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is a time for religious reflection, fasting, and participation in traditional customs and rituals. What do Filipinos do during Lent? During Lent, Filipinos often engage in practices such as attending church services, participating in processions, and observing fasting and abstinence. Most Filipinos go on pilgrimage tours and visit Philippine churches for Visita Iglesia, or "church visit," where they go to seven churches and make a wish. Many also reflect on their faith through prayer, almsgiving, and acts of penance. Some families do not eat any meat during Lent. They usually opt for fish and vegetable-based dishes. Are there any unique Filipino traditions during Holy Week? Yes, the Philippines is famous for its Holy Week customs. Certain towns perform Passion Plays and Senakulo, which are dramatic portrayals of Jesus' life, suffering, and death. In some parts of the country, individuals may practice self-flagellation or even reenact crucifixion, but these actions are controversial and not supported by the Catholic Church. Can you go on a vacation during Holy Week? Yes, you can go on a vacation during Holy Week. There are Holy Week destinations you can visit, or you can go on pilgrimage tours. However, it's advisable to check the operating hours of tourist spots and services, as some may have adjusted schedules during this time. Also, if you are planning to go on a vacation during Holy Week, it's best to book accommodations, flights, or tours in advance since there could be some fully booked hotels and tours. What is not allowed during Holy Week? During Holy Week, most Filipinos avoid eating meat on certain days and only eat fish or vegetables. They usually observe solemnity and avoid any festive occasions. Additionally, some people choose to abstain from certain forms of entertainment as part of their Lenten observance. Festivals: Island Garden City of Samal Festival (Samal Island) - A week-long event celebrating the people and traditions of Samal Island, one of the best places for island hopping in the Philippines. Read our article on the best Samal Island resorts. Book Davao hotels from our collection. Strawberry Festival (La Trinidad, Benguet) - A month-long festivity highlighting strawberry farming, where visitors can enjoy various strawberry-based items like taho, wine, and preserves. Strawberry fields attract a large amount of people (often during March). There are Baguio tour packages that include strawberry farm picking that you can be a part of. Check out the best Baguio restaurants that you should go to after your Baguio strawberry-picking tour. Moriones Festival (Marinduque) - At this religious event during Holy Week in the Philippines, they pay tribute to Longinus, a soldier who became a martyr. The most significant moment was when he witnessed a miracle and had a change of heart. Check out our article on the top Marinduque tourist spots. Book Marinduque tours for a complete experience in one of the hidden tourist spots in the Philippines. Healing Festival (Siquijor) - During Holy Week, Siquijor, an underrated place in the Philippines, holds a healing festival called Pahi Uli. Shamans, including those from other parts of the Philippines, like Mindanao, gather to celebrate and share their unique abilities. While on the island, you can check out other Siquijor tourist spots and book Siquijor tours.
필리핀 보건부(DOH)는 많은 사람들이 고향, 관광지, 예배 장소로 여행하는 홀리 위크 동안 인내심을 갖고 도로 안전을 우선시할 것을 필리핀인들에게 촉구했습니다. DOH는 여행하는 사람이 많아질수록 교통사고 위험이 증가한다고 지적했습니다. 보건 당국은 “홀리 위크에 접어들면서 길에서 더욱 친절하고 인내심을 가지자”고 말했습니다. DOH에 따르면 도로 충돌을 방지하기 위한 몇 가지 팁은 다음과 같습니다. - 특히 장거리 여행 전에는 차량을 잘 관리하고 정기적으로 점검하십시오. - 운전자가 충분한 휴식을 취했는지 확인하세요. - 특히 운전 전과 운전 중에는 술을 마시지 마십시오. - 운전에 집중하고 휴대전화 사용과 같은 방해 요소를 피하세요. 교통규칙을 준수하세요. - 장거리 운전 중에는 몇 시간마다 휴식을 취하고 수분을 섭취하십시오. 3월 24일부터 31일까지 코드화이트 경보(Code White Alert)가 활성화됩니다. 이를 통해 의료진과 직원이 전국 병원에서 들어오는 환자를 받아들이고 치료할 수 있도록 대기하고 있습니다. DOH는 또한 대중에게 열에 장기간 노출되는 것을 피하고, 건기 동안 새롭게 나타나는 질병에 주의하고, 수영이나 기타 활동에 참여할 때 어린이를 감독할 것을 권고했습니다.
필리핀 이민국 대변인은 홀리 위크(Holy Week)가 다가옴에 따라 공항에 더 많은 인력을 배치했다고 말했습니다. The Bureau of Immigration has deployed more personnel to airports as the Holy Week season approaches, said the agency's deputy spokesperson.
MMDA는 앞서 정기휴일로 선포했던 3월 28일(세족목요일)과 3월 29일(성금요일)에 번호코딩 제도를 한시적으로 해제합니다. The MMDA will be temporarily lifting its number coding scheme on March 28 (Maundy Thursday) and March 29 (Good Friday), which were earlier declared as regular holidays.