앙헬레스에 이렇게 생긴 사람들 많은가요
지난 금요일 팜팡가에서 작전을 수행하던 중 중부 루손에서 외국인들 납치 조직의 중국인 용의자 한 명은 항복을 거부하고 총알 한 발을 쏴 스스로 목숨을 끊었고, 그의 동포 3명은 이민국(BI) 요원들에 의해 체포됐습니다. 노먼 탄싱코 이민 국장은 성명을 통해 이번 사건은 앙헬레스 시의 한 콘도 건물 내에서 발생했으며 BI의 도망자 수색팀 요원들이 필리핀 이민법 위반 혐의로 용의자들을 체포하기 위해 급습했다고 밝혔습니다. 탄싱코에 따르면, 중국인들은 몇 달 전 팜팡가의 여러 지역에 시체가 버려진 9명의 외국인들을 살해한 유력 용의자들입니다. 살해된 사람들 중 6명은 중국인이고 나머지 3명은 베트남, 말레이시아, 일본 출신입니다.
CHINESE MAN SHOT SELF DURING ARREST, BI NABS 3 OTHER CHINESE MURDER SUSPECTS IN PAMPANGA ANGELES, Pampanga—A suspected Chinese member of a kidnap gang preying on foreigners in Central Luzon fatally shot himself while three of his compatriots were arrested during an operation in Pampanga last Friday by operatives from the Bureau of Immigration (BI). In a statement, Immigration Commissioner Norman Tansingco said the incident occurred inside the premises of a condominium building in Angeles City where a team of agents from the BI’s fugitive search unit raided the suspects’ unit to arrest them for violating Philippine immigration laws. Tansingco said that instead of giving themselves up the aliens ran away and attempted to flee, which prompted the BI operatives to chase them. The pursuing agents were able to catch and arrest two of the suspects, identified as Feng Zhengheng, 29, and Chou Yibo, 33. However, their companion, a certain Wu Fu Wen, 35, refused to surrender and instead shot himself with a single bullet, which killed him on the spot. An overstaying Chinese woman, identified as Wang Yan, 25, was also arrested after the arresting team encountered her during the operation. According to Tansingco, the Chinese nationals are prime suspects in the murder of nine foreigners whose bodies were dumped in different areas in Pampanga several months ago. Six of those murdered are Chinese nationals while the three others are from Vietnam, Malaysia and Japan. Tansingco said the Chinese nationals arrested will be charged with deportation cases for overstaying their tourist visas. All three of them reportedly arrived in the Philippines in 2019 and did not depart since then. They did not bother to apply for extension of their stay in the country. “They will remain in our detention facility until the criminal cases filed against them are resolved by the court as they will also be facing deportation charges,” the BI chief said.