코리아타운 중심가에 있는 상가 임대합니다.

앙헬레스 코리아타운 중심가에 위치하고 있습니다 한국의류 신발 악세사리 판매하고 있으며 한국정품브랜의류도 포함되어 있습니다 인테리어 한국돈으로 5천정도 들었으며 1층과 2층 두개층입니다 디포짓 2달 선납이며 월세는 45000페소입니다 의류 잡화 재고물량까지 통으로 넘겨드립니다 2층에 다른 사업하셔도 좋을꺼같습니다 샵엔샵으로요 모두포함해서 230만페소(협의가능) 텔레: ckscks25 문자: 09619184913 Located in the center of Angeles Korea Town, this shop sells Korean clothing, shoes, and accessories, including authentic Korean brand apparel. The interior design cost around 5 million KRW, and the shop spans two floors, the 1st and 2nd floors. The deposit is 2 months' rent in advance, and the monthly rent is 45,000 PHP. We are offering the entire stock of clothing and accessories as well. You can also start another business on the 2nd floor or operate it as a shop-in-shop. The total price for everything is 2.3 million PHP.(Negotiable) Contact: Telegram: ckscks25 Sms: 09619184913

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Forum: post_id: buyandsell, category: 개인장터, page: 18

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