[사진] BI 한국여성 체포 (전세 사기)

(사진) 김전중(30세) Kim Jeonjung 이민국(BI)은 수백만 달러 규모의 부동산 투자 사기에 연루된 혐의로 서울 당국과 인터폴로부터 수배 중인 또 다른 한국 여성을 체포했다고 보고했습니다. 기록에 따르면 김전중은 사기 혐의로 기소된 수원지방법원이 발부한 구속영장으로 인해 지난해 8월 12일 인터폴 적색수배 대상이 됐습니다. 한국 당국은 김전중과 그녀의 동료들이 대출 한도를 회피하고 여러 건물의 실제 소유권을 얻기 위해 명목상의 수탁자를 모집하는 데 공모했다고 주장했습니다. 이들은 피해자들에게 임대차 계약을 체결하게 하고, 실제 소유권 없이 부동산을 취득하는 무자본 갭투자 방식을 사용했다고 했습니다. 그 결과 피의자들은 대규모 임대 사기를 통해 여러 임차인으로부터 75억 원, 미화 520만 달러가 넘는 임대 보증금을 사기적으로 수령했습니다. 김전중의 여행 기록을 확인해보니 김 씨의 마지막 입국일이 2023년 12월 21일이어서 이미 초과 체류 중인 것으로 나타났습니다. 김전중은 현재 따귁시 캠프 바공 디와(Camp Bagong Diwa)에 있는 BI 소장 시설에 구금되어 있으며 추방 절차를 기다리고 있습니다.

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BI NABS SOKOR WOMAN WANTED FOR RENTAL SCAM The Bureau of Immigration (BI) reported the arrest of another South Korean woman who is wanted by authorities in Seoul and the Interpol for involvement in a multi-million dollar real estate investment scam. Immigration Commissioner Joel Anthony Viado identified the fugitive as Kim Jeonjung, 30, who was arrested on Feb. 18 in her residence in Paranaque City by operatives from the BI’s fugitive search unit (FSU). Viado said Kim was arrested on the strength of a mission order that he issued at the request of the South Korean government which sought the BI’s help in locating and deporting the fugitive. “She will be deported so she could stand trial for the crime that she committed in her homeland. She will then be placed in our blacklist and banned from re-entering the country,” Viado added. Records showed that Kim is subject of an Interpol red notice published on Aug. 12 last year due to a warrant of arrest that was issued against her by the Suwon district court in Korea where she was charged with fraud. Korean authorities alleged that Kim and her cohorts conspired in recruiting nominal trustees to circumvent loan limits and gain actual ownership of multiple buildings. They were said to have made victims sign lease agreements and used a non-capital gap investment method to acquire real estate without actual ownership. As a result, the suspects fraudulently received lease deposits from various tenants amounting to 7.5 billion won, or more than US$5.2 million through the large-scale rental fraud. A check of Kim’s travel record showed that she is already overstaying as his last arrival in the country was on Dec. 21, 2023.. She is currently held at the BI Warden's Facility in Camp Bagong Diwa, Taguig City, while awaiting deportation proceedings.


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