동남아시아의 자동차 생산 및 판매(2022년 1월–8월) 아세안자동차연맹(ASEAN Automotive Federation)은 2022년 1월부터 8월까지 자동차 생산 및 판매에 관한 데이터를 발표했습니다. 이 데이터에서 태국이 가장 많이 생산된 국가가 되고 인도네시아가 가장 많이 판매되는 국가가 되는 것으로 나타났습니다. Motor Vehicles Production & Sales in Southeast Asia (Jan–Aug, 2022) The ASEAN Automotive Federation released data on the production and sales of motor vehicles from January to August 2022. From the data, it was found that Thailand became the country with the most unit production and Indonesia became the country with the most unit sales. What do you think about the development of motor vehicle production and sales from September to December 2022? Let's talk about that.