10월 1일 칸주루한 축구장 참사 - 135명 사망 (인도네시아) 10월 29일 이태원 할로윈 참사 - 156명 사망 (대한민국) 10월 30일 구자라트 다리 붕괴 - 141명 사망 (인도) Is't time to rename SADTOBER 2022 after a tragic event in the month? After Indonesia and South Korea, it happened again last night in India. The similarities that remain connected despite different events and situations are what make this tragedy unique. That is what "CROWDED" means. Let us review: - The Kanjuruhan tragedy, in which many victims died as a result of tear gas, which caused all of the supporters to scatter and become trapped in the stadium, resulting in pinched, deprived, and run out of oxygen. - Halloween tragedy in South Korea: hundreds of thousands of people trapped in a crowd on a narrow road, resulting in squeezing and lack of oxygen. - The Gujarat tragedy, an overabundance of people on the bridge caused the bridge to collapse, trapping many victims and depriving them of oxygen in the water. So? What are your thoughts? Let us all pray for a moment of silence to remember the victims of this tragedy.