International Voice On Line (IVOLINE)

IVOLINE Inc. is a multinational corporation that centers on developing the English Communication skills in
Asian countries with Koreans as the primary clients.

The company’s mission is to provide consistent quality education by means of on-line technology. The
strategic technology investment by IVOLINE offers our clients the ultimate flexibility to tailor experience and
education to their needs. This is driving the future development of IVOLINE as we continue to explore creative ways to add value to our clients and better serve their needs. This year 2011, IVOLINE will continue expanding its service footprint in Clark Pampanga and develop new techniques and strategies in line with teaching while maintaining its
high level quality service.

IVOLINE Inc. envisions the company to be the best service provider among all call centers providing
enhancement on strong communication skills of practical and conversational English of clients in Asia and
other regions.


전화영어,  화상영어 교육센터에서 한국인 관리직 사원을 모집합니다.

1. 회사소재지 (근무처)

   1) 만달루용시티 내 글로브 타워

2. 근무시간:  면접 후 결정


3. 사원모집 안내

  1) 영어로 의사소통이 가능한 자

  2) 컴퓨터 사용이 능숙한 자

  3) 1년 이상 근무 가능한 자

  4) 담당업무 : 강사/수업관리

  5) 모집인원 : 0

  6) 워킹비자 지원

  7) 급여수준 : 5만페소 (업무능력에 따라 승진, 급여 인상의 기회 제공)

4. 응시방법

  1) 이메일 응시 : [email protected]\">[email protected]

  2) 이력서, 자기소개서 제출 (사진 부착 필)


5. 채용 절차: 서류 전형 -> 면접 -> 합격통보


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