필리핀 CIDG가 지난 금요일 체포한 한국인들을 불법도박 방지법과 동물보호법 위반으로
라구나 검찰청에 고발하였습니다.
한국인들의 신원은 A,B,C,D,E,F.G,H로 밝혀졌으며 이들 중 6명은 지난 12월에 이미 동일한 범죄로
체포된 적이 있었던 자들이며 3개월 만에 새로운 투견장을 개설한 한 것으로 보아 자금력이 풍부하고 잘 조직된
그룹 인 것으로 생각되며 재판이 진행되는 동안 필리핀을 떠나지 못하도록 출국정지요청을 할 것이라고 합니다.
홍XX, 김XX를 제외하곤 지난 12월 3일 투견장 운영으로 까비테 인당 타운에서 체포된 자들이며 현장에 있던
30마리의 투견은 동물보호협회에 보내졌습니다.
(원문 보기)
Authorities on Monday charged eight Korean nationals for allegedly operating a dogfight arena in Laguna.
The Philippine National Police Criminal Investigation and Detection Group (CIDG) charged the Koreans with
violation of the Anti-Illegal Gambling Law and the Animal Welfare Act after they were caught in a raid in Calauan
town last Friday. CIDG chief Police director Samuel Pagdilao Jr. identified the Koreans as Lee Gwi Woo, Jeong
Yeon Hwal, Noh Min Chul, Lee Kyung Won, Kim Young Hwan, Hyun Ho Han, Hong Jeong Oh and Kim Do
The charges against the Koreans, who failed to show proper travel documents, were filed before the Laguna
prosecutor’s office, Pagdilao added.
Police Senior Superintendent Joel Napoleon Coronel, CIDG-National Capital Region chief, revealed that six of
the Korean nationals have already been arrested for the same offense last December.
Coronel noted the suspects’ capability to organize another dogfight arena in three months suggests that they
are part of a “highly financed and well organized” group.
The CIDG will ask for hold departure orders against the suspects to keep them from leaving the country while
their cases are being heard, said Pagdilao.
Last Dec. 3, the same Korean nationals—except for Hong Jeong Oh and Kim Do Kyung—were
arrested in
Indang town, Cavite, for operating another dogfight arena.
Thirty pit bulls recovered from the dogfight arena were sent to the Philippine Animal Welfare Society (PAWS),
according to the police senior superintendent.