필리핀 Resort World Manila에서 아래와 같이 VIP Host를 모집합니다. RWM Genting Group의 자매 호텔 체인으로 싱가폴말레이시아필리핀 및 호주와 미국으로 진출이 되어 있는 세계적인 Resort & Casino사입니다.

 채용부서: Korean VIP Host

채용인원: 5명

채용방법: 서류심사-1(부서관)면접-2(이사진)면접-Reference check(인사과)-합격여부발표

근무기간: 6개월 Probation 후 정규직 전환 (2년계약)

회사 홈페이지: www.rwmanila.com

이메일 주소: leechol.hui@rwmanila.com  (영문,한글이력서 및 사진부착)


1. 지원자격
- 21세 이상~29세 이하 여성 또는 남성
-영어한국어 그 밖에 외국어 가능자

-대학 졸업 예정 및 고졸 이상 학력
-신장 (여성)163cm이상, (남성)170cm이상인 자

-긍정적인 성격 및 Hospitality 서비스 마인드 소유자

2. 급여  혜택
급여: PHP 50,000이상

연말 Bonus 100~200% 지급

근무시간: 6일 (8시간 근무) 3교대
연차(유급휴가): 15일 -병가(유급):최대15일가능
의료보험 적용
근무 시 식사제공
비행기 왕복권 1회 제공
워킹비자 제공

**회사  사이트에 올려   본문 채용공고 참조바랍니다.


We are an International conglomerate, with a vision of making the Philippines one of the best tourist destinations in Asia. We are building the country's first 24x7 integrated entertainment city which includes a six-star boutique hotel with full butler service, and a world class entertainment and retail complex.




-To both offer and ensure the highest levels of service within the gaming and associated environments for valued guests

-To ensure a high consistent standards of appearance and professionalism, communication and cooperation with both guests and fellow departments

-To develop and maintain a high level of knowledge in relation to the gaming environment, resort and facilities/services available to the guests

-To be fully versed in all aspects of programs, promotions and events that cater to the guests experience within the resort

-To coordinate arrangements required by guests in relation to food and beverage, show tickets, entertainment, transportation and external activities

-To extend host services to primary guest family members where required to enhance the comfort levels of the guest through planning

-To assist guests with any and all queries with regards to membership, programs or game irregularities

-To assist gaming management as a liaison between guests and gaming personnel where required

-To promote the air of service and professionalism through interaction with all and guests who patronizes the facilities

-When required, to host special promotions within the gaming facility, or external as part of the total hosting concept

-When required, to accompany guests to and from the resort so as to assist with the logistical seamless transition



-Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's/College Degree, any field.

-Must be fluent in English and Korean language

-Female 5’5 in height and Male 5’9 in height

-Male & Female between 21-29 years old

-Applicants must be willing to work in Pasay City.

-Fresh graduates/Entry level applicants are encouraged to apply.


(추가설명)- VIP HOST 부서는 미국,말레이사아,태국,캄보디아,중국,이란등 다국의 직원들이 일하고 있는 부서입니다.

또한 각국의 VIP손님들을 모시기때문에 좋은 인맥형성과 다양한 국적의 동료들과 친해질수 있습니다..  

회사내 기숙사 시설도 갖춰져 있으며, 근무일 1일 1회의 식사가 무료로 제공이 됩니다. 

& 유니폼 컨베어시스템 무료세탁등, 워킹비자, DOLE 및 ACR, 유급휴가,병가등 다양한 직원편의를 제공합니다.                        

의사소통에 문제가 없을 영어실력과 진취적이고 긍정적인 마인드를 가진분들의 도전을 기다리겠습니다.